Desperate Hillary Compares Florida Primary to Zimbabwe

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

An increasingly desperate Hillary Clinton is now trying to garner media attention for her cause to seat Florida and Michigan delegates (she originally agreed to follow the DNC Rules Committee who said Florida wouldn’t be seated) by comparing the plight of Zimbabweans in their recent fraudulent election to the uncounted votes of Michigan and Florida voters.

Clinton actually told a senior citizens community:

“We’re seeing that right now in Zimbabwe. Tragically, an election was held, the president lost, they refused to abide by the will of the people. retirement community in south Florida. So we can never take for granted our precious right to vote.”

It’s time for Hillary Clinton to suspend her campaign and take a long, much needed vacation.

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9 Responses to Desperate Hillary Compares Florida Primary to Zimbabwe

  1. Randy Arroyo says:

    Dude, how do you find this stuff? If you didn’t provide us with a link, I would be tempted to think it is parody. I have to agree with you 100%. Clinton’s completely jumped the shark.

  2. Robster says:

    Does someone design pantsuits to double as straightjackets?

  3. DMcD says:

    Seems to me I remember hearing something about her and Obama , signing an earlier agreement that the Michigan and Florida primary results wouldn’t be counted (for ‘just’ cause). But, now that she’s on her last legs , its o.k. to re-write history (like the Trolls do) — I don’t think so. An agreement is an “agreement” , and thats that.

  4. She is unreal…so she is now taking her “case” *cough-gag-spew* to the elderly ??? the hearing impaired..( I saw part of this on CNN- it looked like a home for the elderly…I am not even joking..) ((( Meanwhile Obama did go and speak to 15,000 in Tampa, and 20,000 In Orlando…I don’t think he went trying to strongarm any votes or re-arrange history or make hysterical historical Inaccuracies…)
    Someone above said she has jumped the shark….it seems to be a shark that gets larger by the day ?

  5. on another note- if she is in debt and having trouble – WHO is paying for her continuing this egomanical plight at this point?

  6. my new title errored on me- my apologies..( 20++ Million is alot for the other candidate to be asked to absorb)

  7. Brigadoon says:

    Florida = Zimbabwe? ROFLMAO! Poor Hillary. I wonder if she checks under her bed at night to make sure Obama isn’t hiding there? She’s lost it. What a trainwreck.

  8. .
    Actually, she’s quite right. Florida is exactly like Zimbabwe, right down to the alligators, and Katherine Harris.

    But Hillary is Mugabe, and Bill is Cecil Rhodes.

    (Obama’s nothing to do with it. He’s Kenyan.)

    Ah, Spring Break in Harare! Broads, booze, bagels, pina coladas and Chinese AK47s. BOOYAH! See ya there, Hill & Bill!

    Dibs on Chelsea! (They’re still pimping her, yeah?).

  9. Afrit007 says:

    The woman is insane. Until they start burning nursing homes and hacking limbs off of political opponents, Florida will never look like Zimbabwe.

    Funny how Hillary was perfectly happy with the results, and the rules, until she started losing primaries. Then her motto became “if at first you don’t succeed, change the rules”.

    It’s time for her to quit. She needs a stiff drink and a Valium.

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