The Borg Queen will Appear on Bill O’Reilly’s Program

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Welcome to Hillary Clinton’s schadenfreude.

Sources tell From the Left that Hillary Clinton will appear with longtime Clinton nemesis, Bill O’Reilly, this Wednesday on FOX’s The O’Reilly Factor.

The meeting with O’Reilly is just the latest in a disturbing pattern that has emerged with Clinton meeting people like the 700 Club’s Pat Robertson, the man who funded the Arkansas Project, Richard Melon Sciafe, and now, longtime Clinton nemesis, Bill O’Reilly.

Maybe next up, Hillary will have a cup of tea with Osama bin Laden?

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27 Responses to The Borg Queen will Appear on Bill O’Reilly’s Program

  1. joost says:

    Christopher – How did you get your hands on this nugget? Is this really going to happen? Hillary on Billo’s show?

    You know, when this campaign began I was pretty much neutral on Hillary but as time has gone on and I’ve seen the type of campaign she and her husband have run, I’ve really grown to despise her.

    Nothing on this earth could make me vote for this hag. She makes me sick to my stomach.

  2. Harry says:

    This is why we read the blogs and not the dead tree newspapers. Great scoop and like joost implied, Hillary is an asshole.

  3. woyoyo says:

    I can’t say I’m surprised to read this.

    After all, the Borg Queen accepted a fundraiser by Rupert Murdock last year and the pictures posted on the “internets” show a smiling Hillary sucking up to the man whose cable new network helped push the impeachment of her husband.

    Hillary Clinton stands for one thing: power. Her candidacy isn’t about her, it’s about the pair of Clintons getting around the 22nd Amendment that prevents Billary from serving a 3rd term.

    If she is elected, Billary will be the co-president. Bimbos and all.

  4. Rachel says:

    Christopher – Another great scoop! Props, bro! I haven’t seen this item anywhere but here. As far as Hillary Clinton appearing with O’Reilly, she’s a fucking well out and a cow. I can’t wait to see her lose the primary to Obama. She’s just nauseating.

  5. taco says:

    Nothing on this earth could make me vote for this hag.

    A million dollars might convince me. Or if she put Bush and Cheney on trial for war crimes. That could close the deal.

    But in reality, neither will happen and I have no plans to vote for Hillary either.

  6. Jazzy says:

    @Taco… Trust me when I say that I have no love for Billiary but the fact remains Americans and our basic civil rights have a lot at stake in the coming election. If it comes down to it Billiary will get my vote but not my money.

  7. proudprogressive says:

    She really ought to drop the pretense, she is embodying everything bad about the democratic party..making it clear as day – blantantly clear. There is no difference between the Democratic MAFIA and the Republican Mafia. She is as Rovian as a Bush, as Neo liberal as they get – why continue this sham. POWER – the coup does not want to be dislodged, the coup of 2000. The Dems as corrupt , colluding as guilty of BS and robbery as the THUGS..

    Hearing she is getting a free pass on the Fruad Trial until AFTER the NOV elections..just makes me want to scream – Guess the ruling elite have no shame in anything anymore NOT even a desire to put up a sm. pretense of NOT BEING FASCIST. Believe none of us , could postpone or court dates on felony charges…AND SHE STILL THINKS and the HILLBOTS THINK she is presidential material ??!! In which country – ? Cuba ? Dammit the fascism is blatant and the Hillbots are eating up with a spoon and why ? WHY ? I am newly flabbergasted each day. What is even stranger to me is that formally sane people who i thought saw through the BS of our gov ie. 9/11 and such – have lost their abilities to discern a it rascism ? Is it a romantic notion about the TECH BUBBLE of the 90’s. WTF did Clinton do that was so great EVER. HE did squat, had wars, started workfare, empowered the Christian Right, lied to a grand jury – these people are corrupt.

    there is a reason Billy boy holds hands with poppa bush – HE is as corrupt. Hillary is not a wife – she is a partner in crime.

    gaak ! bangs head on desk ! and hopes Obama wins every remaining primary –

  8. Woodcliffe says:

    When Bill was president, for the most part, I was very happy with what he did for the country.

    The USA had relative peace and prosperity and the rich were forced to pay their fair share of taxes for once and millions of new jobs were created. His administration stood in stark contrast to George Herbert Walker Bush’s tenure. All he did was lead the country into a recession.

    Sure, there was DOMA and all the Oval Office blowjobs but as someone said, “we elect a president — not a saint.” The old boy had needs and it was obvious Hillary wasn’t on her hands and knees satisfying Bill. I guess what I’m trying to say is, Bill Clinton was human.

    But I sure as hell don’t believe for a second that Hillary Clinton can manage the country the same way her husband did. Hillary didn’t even pass the law bar in Washington DC after she graduated from school. Her celebrated intelligence is highly overrated and worst of all: she holds grudges.

  9. Matteo says:

    Hillary Clinton is a sell-out and thinks nothing of hangin’ with homophobic state governors.

    N.C. Governor: Hillary’s No “Pansy”

    North Carolina Governor Mike Easley is being criticized for the use of an anti-gay slur in his endorsement/introduction of Hillary Clinton today. In turn, Clinton is being criticized for standing by and saying nothing. Said Easley: “This lady right here makes Rocky Balboa look like a pansy.”

  10. emcee says:


    This sort of thing doesn’t register to Hillary.

    Remember, her “good friend,” John McCain called Chelsea a “dog” a few years ago before a GOP crowd of donors and got a cheap laugh. But that comment was just politics and Hillary can look the other way if it benefits her.

  11. FranIAm says:

    I can’t… oh well, what can I say.

    She can blather on about obliterating Iran there and be welcomed.

  12. DMason says:

    Now let’s be fair. Both Bill Clinton and Bill O’Reilly have something in common that Hillary finds safe and familiar. Both men cheated or tried to cheat on their wives with interns/employees. In Bill Clinton’s case, it was Monica Lewinsky. In Bill O’Reilly’s case, it was Andrea Mackris. Hillary is obviously the type of gal who love to play professional victim. A decent guy like, ooooh, let’s say Keith Olbermann or Charlie Rose, Hillary would be bored by. There ain’t nothing for her to fix.

  13. Aunt Peg says:

    I do believe David has Hillary’s number down. In fact David, your analysis of Lady Hillary is brilliant.

    If I didn’t know better, I would say Lady Hillary is the adult child of an alcoholic parent. I have always found her tales of being taken “behind the cottage” by her daddy in Scranton, just a bit unsavory.

  14. TOM339 says:

    Shameless political theater.

    Hillary’s appearance on this gasbag’s program does nothing to elevate the debate or inform the voter still undecided. The two bloviators deserve one another.

    Personally, I’d rather have my grandkids over and watch American Idol, which is precisely what I will be doing tomorrow night.

    This election cycle has become one, big, freakshow and when it’s all over, it will once again be the American people who will lose.

  15. Winnie H. says:

    I expect it will be a regular lovefest.

    Bill O. will be Hillary’s new BFF.

  16. Conejo1982 says:

    You had this thread up and running hours before FOX started hyping it. Good job on getting it out there for your readers to see.

    Someone said Sen. Clinton would agree to meet with Charles Manson and Robert Mugabe if she believed it would increase her chances of burying Obama and winning the nomination. I have to agree with that assessment. Sen. Clinton has no moral compass and no boundaries when it comes to advancing her political career. I have never seen a more shameless and ruthless individual.

    I will take exception with your opening sentence. I think the schadenfreude is ours to suffer.

  17. whelp…another scoop here…you always have the scoop…( I love the photo- I too have used it for hill….it kind of fits her persona perfectly..) so this week she has been asking for Flatbed Pickup Truck Debates ( omg….) and NOW THIS….just when I think she can not get lower…she does….( she seems to love FOX and McCain…she really should be his VEEP).

  18. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    My cousin Bill O’Reilly will tear Hillary a new one.

    I plan to watch from the TV in my private 747 as I head to Las Vegas to gamble and for poontang.

  19. Rachel says:

    Bill “Hussein” O’Reilly – you are such a dirty, sexist pig. But a funny, dirty, sexist pig. Hey, can you land in Newark and pick me up? I so want to go to Vegas right now.

  20. Scott Dancer says:

    There is an old saying, “Water finds its own level.”

  21. California Dreamin' says:

    Ice Lettuce can’t say anything critical of Republicans and even her racist hubby, Billary, points to rival John McCain and describes their relationship as “very close.”

    That said, once Barack Obama has secured the nomination, I have a suggestion for Ice Lettuce. Why not run as McCain’s veep? After all, they share so much including support of Bush’s Iraq war and a quiet commitment to toppling the current regime that runs Iran.

    Hey, if McCain is elected he’ll be 73. By the end of his first term, he’ll be 77 — not a spring chicken. If something were to happen to him, Ice Lettuce could step right up and take over.

  22. Kellybelle says:

    How much you want a bet Hillary and O’Reilly bond over Jeremiah Wright? I don’t trust that heffa as far as I can throw her.

  23. kellybelle:don’t you go throwing that pantsuited heffa…you will hurt yourself…..and yeah she and Billy will bond over the Rev issue….

  24. Randy Arroyo says:

    I don’t trust that heffa either. FOFLMAO! I love it.

  25. Jim says:

    Next, perhaps Hillary will shoot a Democrat in the head to show that she is “one” with the Republicans.

  26. Cali Tejano says:

    If she loses the nomination, I wonder what she would say if the GOP asked her to give the keynote address?

  27. taco says:

    If she loses the nomination, I wonder what she would say if the GOP asked her to give the keynote address?

    She and Lieberman can share the duty,

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