Clinton Hangs On, Sort Of

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Democrats | 2,025 Needed to Win
OBAMA 1,710 1,710 delegates
CLINTON 1,584 1,584 delegates
EDWARDS 18 18 delegates
Delegates Won by Each Candidate

When is a win not a win? In Pennsylvania, of course.

Hillary Clinton managed to squeeze out a win in Pennsylvania and promptly announced the tide was turning in her favor. But the reality is, the former first lady who won 55 percent of the vote to 45 percent for her rival Barack Obama had been up by as many as 30 points in the Keystone state just 3 months ago.

In the hard fought Pennsylvania primary, Clinton will earn 82 delegates and Obama will earn 69 delegates. A 13 delegate advantage for Clinton and a number that will be easily erased as the primary race moves onto North Carolina where Obama is leading by as much as 15 points.

Clinton’s showing in Pennsylvania does virtually nothing to alter Obama’s delegate advantage. However, what Clinton’s tiny win allows her to do is make her case to contributors for more money and replenish her cash-starved campaign.

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16 Responses to Clinton Hangs On, Sort Of

  1. TOM339 says:

    Like I said on the previous thread, I didn’t watch a second of the media circus last night.

    I knew Clinton would win by a small margin and the confetti would drop from the ceiling and the Clintons would take the stage and announce they were the victors. I also knew that Clinton was expected to win in Pennsylvania and the outcome would do nothing to change the delegate lead of Obama.

    I like how you’ve subtracted Obama’s delegate win from Clinton’s delegate haul. The difference is a mere 13 delegates. Kinda’ says it all, doesn’t it?

  2. Larry says:

    If you listen to the idiots on cable news Hillary already has her crown on.

  3. joost says:

    I see yesterday Bill Clinton was out there again yapping away about how “I didn’t say Barack Obama is Jessie Jackson.”

    His latest spin is he called Jackson and asked him if he thought Clinton’s remarks were racist in nature and Jackson reassured him that he didn’t.

    Why is Bill Clinton speaking to media in the first place? Shouldn’t he be giving speeches and helping to bankroll his wife’s red ink campaign?

    Instead, Bill Clinton is playing the subconscious race card in order to sway the tweener voters not entirely comfortable with casting a vote for a black man. This is very subtle and highly calculating stuff on the part of the Clintons.

    But don’t believe me. Just ask yourself why you see Bill Clinton bring this issue up on the day of each primary vote? He’s done it in South Carolina, Texas, Ohio and now Pennsylvania.

  4. Rachel says:

    I’ve had CNN on this morning and if you blinked, you would think Hillary had already been sworn in as the nation’s 44th president. I know CNN is a wholly owned subsidiary of AIPAC but come on guys. The GE isn’t until November!

  5. Harry says:

    I never, never, never, never watch CNN. BTW, did you see Tony Snow is joining CNN as a political analyst? CNN is FOX 2.0.

  6. We tried here in PA. Everyone knew it was lost before it happened – except me. I’m a dreamer. Still, I can’t stop believing…


  7. Gary Hussein SF says:

    Hillary “Nobody Gets Out Alive” Clinton is not yet finished in destroying the Democratic party.

    Just as I place blame on Bill Clinton’s inability to keep his pants zipped in the Oval Office for the close race in 2000, which allowed Bush to steal the election, if McCain becomes president, Hillary will be to blame.

    Bill and Hillary – the Republican Party’s secret weapon.

  8. Diane says:

    She announced last night that she had a million in donations in the hours after the primary. I ran to my computer and made another donation to Obama.

  9. JollyRoger says:

    Watching the Cheerleaders’ Neutered Network is bad for the health. Causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. I strongly advise against it at all times.

  10. Joe in Colorado says:

    Hillary Clinton won’t win the nomination and I believe the superdelegates are hip to the destruction they will bring to the party if they rob Obama of what is his. I don’t understand why Hillary won’t go away. She’s like an aggressive cancer.

  11. .
    Wait. this Obama guy is black? Shouldn’t they be required to reveal that, you know, before the election?

    What about Hillary? Is she 100% white? Can she prove that? Jeez, I’m getting worried now.

    Now that you mention it, I think we should require DNA testing of all the candidates, so we at least know if they’re, like pure. We should have like a political AKC Registry. No, really. I bet the Mormons would know. Let me just give Uncle Mitt a call. BRB.


    No. She’s white. Might be some gay blood, on her grandmother’s side. Insufficient data, it says. The Church only recently started keeping track of that. Apparently, the grandmother refused to bake cookies, also. Still. Hillary was seen wearing one of McCain’s gay sweaters, though. So, maybe I will vote for her. I love the girl-on-girl. She’ll have interns, in the White House, right? I may start watching the news, again!

  12. Randy Arroyo says:

    I want Hillary to go away. Go anywhere, to Washington or Mars or to Hell, I don’t care, just go away. She’s an arrogant, insufferable bitch and nothing will convince me to vote for her.

  13. Jacq says:

    I voted along with the rest of Philly. Too bad the rest of the Commonwealth didn’t follow suit.

    Marginal win to say the least!

  14. libhomo says:

    Harry: Good point about Tony Snow and CNN. CNN is a total joke now.

  15. distributorcapny says:

    now she is going around saying she has the most votes because she is including michigan and florida

    i love it – keep changing the rules.

    what a bitch…

  16. Sasha in MN says:

    I don’t want to come off arrogant nor superior because I pursued an education beyond high school but seriously what the hell is up w/ her blue collar support? What do they have in common with a woman who’s combined household income was over $150 million dollars, has far more than a high school education and was first lady for 8 years? Her “elitist smear” tirade had me choking. Do these poor, pathetic folks believe she was ever without health care? That she had to watch her nickels and dime or contemplate to pay a bill or put food on the table? Everyone is wondering about Obama not making the “kill”, when has she ever come back from 10, 15, 20 or more deficit to win a primary? Yeah , frick’in great , the contest continues because older women and over rabid feminists hang onto the pipe dream of a woman president, carried along with poor people thinking she’s their superhero and uneducated masses who have hardly a notion in common with HRC except they recognize Bill’s name and memories. This is truly disgusting.

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