MSNBC’s Chuck Todd: Hillary Clinton Can’t Win

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd explains that Hillary Clinton would have to win 70% of the remaining delegates in each remaining state race in order to catch Barack Obama. Todd says even if Obama and Clinton split Indiana and North Carolina on May 6 — not likely, as Obama is ahead by at least 15 points in North Carolina, a Clinton delegate victory is now virtually impossible. Enjoy this YouTube video:

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12 Responses to MSNBC’s Chuck Todd: Hillary Clinton Can’t Win

  1. Kellybelle says:

    Thanks, I needed some good news tonight.

  2. Randy Arroyo says:

    The numbers don’t lie and no amount of spinning or parsing can take Obama’s delegate advantage from him. It’s so fascinating watching as Team Hillary keeps changing the rules of the game. The primary race is all about winning delegates and not popular votes. The Clinton spin is really just a plea for more donor cash.

  3. California Dreamin' says:

    I hear ya,’ Randy. Terry McAuliffe refused to answer Tweety’s question straight on about what, according to the Clinton campaign, constitutes a “win.”

    He kept moving the goal post, just as Bill Clinton has done over the months and just as Hillary Clinton does when asked.

    This is a primary race and whoever wins the most delegates wins the nomination. Even when a Clinton is vying for the win.

  4. Diane says:

    On the rare occasion that she “wins” a state, it’s a big victory, regardless of the margin and the failure to gain in the delegate count. When Obama wins a state, her goal was just to make it close.

    Her and Bill weren’t this awful in the ’90s, right? Or was I just drinking more then?

  5. Jim says:

    Very nice job of breaking out the information.

  6. Larry says:

    Russert and Buchanan seem to be thrilled with the self-proclaimed greatness of Hillary.

  7. Alexandra says:

    I saw this segment firsthand when it happened live. I loved it. It’s about time the media started telling the truth!

    Oh, also, both CNN and MSNBC are misreporting the results into a 55%-45% split.

    According to the Pennsylvania State Elections website, it’s 54%-46% with 98.91 precincts reporting:

  8. Winnie H. says:

    Christopher, you’re a dog owner. I’m sure many others here are, too — as am I. Do you have deer ticks out in your part of the country?

    It occurred to me tonight that Hillary is just like a deer tick on a poor, defenseless pooch. She’s latched on tight and is sucking blood like crazy. And just like our canine best friends, no matter what Obama does, he’s not going to be able to shake her off — without help.

    Did anyone ever really believe that Barack Obama (or anybody, for that matter) could put the Clinton brand to rest for good within the Democratic Party all by himself? It’s time for the Democratic Party to step up and help him pull off the blood-sucking tick that is the Clintons and flush it down the……well, you know where. 😉

    Obama has had to run against both a former First Lady and a former President who have OWNED this political party for over 16 years and who intend to hold their breath and turn blue in the face until they get their way. And they are playing by the Bush/Cheney/Rove rule book and committing the cardinal sin of using it against a fellow Democrat.

    I’m so tired of reading about how “Obama can’t close the deal.” Of course he can’t — unless he gets the help he needs. And as you point out here, the race is over. She can’t win. Her campaign is toast.

    It’s time to pull and flush!

  9. TOM339 says:

    I didn’t watch a lick of the media coverage of the PA primary.

    I knew it was going to be a gaggle of pundits who gathered together to preserve their relevance and keep the circus going by saying Hillary was still a contender.

    Call it job preservation. At the end of the day, all we need to know is this: Obama still has more votes in a primary race where delegates are king and whoever has the most wins the nomination and that person is Barack Obama.

  10. feminazi says:

    What a staggering waste of time and money. I just want November to get here so we can vote and elect Obama as president. The thought of having to still get through the Denver convention gives me a big headache.

  11. Harry says:

    I love the analysis of Hillary as a deer tick. So true!

  12. hammerdown says:

    Thank God for a free and unbiased media. Hillary now claims she is ahead in the popular vote. Unlike Obama she can win the big Democrat states, unless you only count delegates. I’m not redneck I’m just blue collar.

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