Hillary Clinton is Running for President of the NRA

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hillary Clinton isn’t running for president of the United States. She’s running for president of the NRA. Over the weekend, Clinton reached out to gun owners in a way that would’ve made Charlton Heston proud.

“You know, my dad took me out behind the cottage that my grandfather built on a little lake called Lake Winola outside of Scranton and taught me how to shoot when I was a little girl You know, some people now continue to teach their children and their grandchildren. It’s part of culture. It’s part of a way of life. People enjoy hunting and shooting because it’s an important part of who they are.”

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19 Responses to Hillary Clinton is Running for President of the NRA

  1. Harry says:

    Hillary is desperately looking for a base of support in this 11th hour of the campaign. Especially, as older women abandon her for Obama.

  2. distributorcapny says:

    every day i loathe her more and more and more.

    about these elitism comments — this BITCH just showed she made $110 million — and she is claiming Obama is an elitist

    ps — i love her channeling her best Charlton Heston

  3. FranIAm says:

    I feel ill. It is a disgrace. She is very disingenuous and grows ever more so every day.

    And Dcap is right – great photo!

  4. TOM339 says:

    Hillary Clinton has, as the kids say, jumped the shark.

    She’s gone from darling of the post-feminist era and hero to progressive women over 50, to a mean spirited, parody of herself.

    Hillary Clinton’s embrace of the 2nd Amendment and these odd sounding homilies about the joys of duck hunting, just ring false. Too bad her daddy is dead because there is no way to verify the veracity of her claims.

    Based on Bosnia and NAFTA, my guess is she’s a bald faced liar and never hunted once in her life.

  5. JollyRoger says:

    If her crass pandering isn’t obvious to her supporters by now, I’m not sure how you make it so.

    Another Clinton remarked on the Klanservative scare tactics in 1992, using much the same terminology as Obama. I guess THEN was different.

  6. JollyRoger says:

    In other news, Hill and Mitt Romney are going on an “unlicensed hunting tour” to Utah, Massachusetts, and now Pennsylvania. No word on whether or not the hunting dog has a place inside the car to ride.

  7. Eggroll says:

    I see what Hillary is doing.

    First she stood with the other Dems running for president and refused to appear on Fox. Once the field winnowed to two, she backtracked and appeared on Fox twice.

    Second, she appeared on the 700 Club and professed her deep Christian faith to Pat Robertson. The same Pat Robertson who suggested her husband had Vince Foster murdered.

    Now, Hillary is sucking up to the NRA and rural voters in hopes of winning their support.

    It’s often been said that Hillary Clinton will say and do anything to win the nomination. It’s ought to be clear to everyone that she has no scruples or morals or misgivings when it comes to selling her soul to the Christian reich in this country. As long as she thinks it will earn her the necessary votes, Hillary would throw her daughter under an oncoming freight train.

  8. Gary Hussein SF says:

    Wow. This kind of crap brings out the ‘elitist’ in me. People that are stupid enough to fall for this deserve a lousy president.

  9. Adirondacky says:

    Well, Charlton Heston has died and I’m sure the NRA is looking for another mouthpiece who can extol the virtures of gun ownership and I can’t think of anyone else in the public domain who has a bigger mouth than Hillary Rodham Clinton. 😉

  10. stradella says:

    This stupid broad is clueless.

    I’ve had family members shot during a robbery and it wasn’t pretty. This is real life and bullets take no hostages as they tear through your flesh.

  11. alayna horner says:

    It is time you(the American people) wake up. Hillary is the one that can bring tihs country together. Mrs. Abama has stated she does not like this country and she and her husband attended a church that the minister cursed our country and used the Lord’s name in vain. Too many people get killed with guns every year, but don’t you realize it is best to be taught about fire arms than let them be in the hands of unskilled people. It is time we stop this silly nitpicking and get down to the seriousness and the concern for the future. The younger generation has nothing to look forward to unless this country takes a complete turn around. Instead of bad mouthing each other, we need to get on our knees and ask God’s guidance and seek his will in this matter.

  12. Jim says:

    Now appearing: Hillary Clinton IS Annie Oakley!
    Next up: Hillary warbles “I ain’t down yet” from “The Unsinkable Molly Brown.”

  13. taco says:

    Mrs. Abama has stated she does not like this country and she and her husband attended a church that the minister cursed our country and used the Lord’s name in vain.

    Mrs. Abama? Who the fuck is Mrs. Abama?

    alayna, honey, if you’re an example of a Hillbot, it’s little wonder her campaign is on life support.

  14. Diane says:

    Hillary and the Hillbots make me embarassed to be female.

  15. joost says:

    I find the look in Hillary’s eyes extremely unsettling of late. She doesn’t look “present” and she’s taken on a demonic appearance. I can easily imagine Hillary following Charles Manson.

  16. Anita says:

    why “behind the cottage” ?? odd phraseology if you ask me.

  17. California Dreamin' says:

    I thought the samething, Anita.

    What was little Hillary doing with her poppa behind the cottage and out of view from her mother and family?

    Very creepy.

  18. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    Maybe “behind the cottage” is where Daddy Rodham taught his Hillary how to be a woman? It’s more common than people think. Especially in rural America.

  19. libhomo says:

    The Clintons are rightist wackjobs. This shouldn’t surprise anyone.

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