The Clintons Earned $109 Million Since 2000

Friday, April 4, 2008

Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Clinton reported $20.4 million in income for 2007 and more than $109 million since 2000 as they gave the public the most detailed look at their finances in eight years.

The Clintons finally released tax returns from 2000 through 2006 and gave highlights from their 2007 return. However, the Clintons have asked for an extension for filing their 2007 tax returns, citing the dissolution of a blind trust last year.

The Clintons paid $33.8 million in taxes from 2000 through 2007. They listed $10.25 million in charitable contributions during that period.

Hillary Clinton has been under pressure to release her tax returns, especially from her rival, Barack Obama who posted his 2000 to 2006 returns on his campaign website last week.

The Clintons last made their returns public in 2000 when they reported an adjusted gross income of just $416,039. Since then, the former president has embarked on various business ventures and has made millions from speaking engagements.

SOURCE: New York Times

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15 Responses to The Clintons Earned $109 Million Since 2000

  1. huntingdonpost says:

    It’s interesting news, but I am not sure what it shows. Are they rich, yes. Were they always rich? No. The American president, whoever he or she is, makes almost nothing. The salary was doubled for GWB’s term (the actual rich guy), but Bill Clinton had been in public service so long that his income was pretty meager. Now that he is out on his own, he is able to live like the CEO of a major corporation. Almost.

    I am glad they released the returns. I am glad Hillary Clinton was on PGN gay radio yesterday. She’s the only candidate stepping into the gay press for interviews. Obama has said good things about homophobia and how it needs to be eradicated, but I would actually like to see him talk to some GLBT press.

  2. TOM339 says:

    I can tell you what it doesn’t reveal: the Clinton’s source of income for 2007 and Bill Clinton’s role as a so-called “consultant” for Uzbekistan government and business interests.

    As a private citizen, Bill Clinton can do as he pleases, say what he wants and even work for a foreign government.

    But the Clintons aren’t ordinary citizens. Hillary Clinton is a U.S. Senator, who also happens to be running for president.

    These facts raise the question of influence by foreign governments not favorable to the U.S.

  3. joost says:

    Huntingdon – Obama has spoken to a number of gay media people and sources.

    He’s appeared twice on Ellen’s show (she’s a lesbian), he’s given interviews to the Advocate, the Express Gay News, Washington Blade and he participated in the LOGO/Human Rights Campaign debate.

    Obama is running for president and yet he’s made himself to the LGBT community time after time.

  4. Rachel says:

    Man, that’s a lot of green. Of course, dumping these tax documents on a Friday when the media people haven’t had a chance to comb through them is very telling and not an accident. But like Tom339 pointed out, we still don’t have the 2007 tax returns, so the record is far from complete.

  5. huntingdonpost says:

    I stand corrected on the GLBT comment. Thanks for letting me know.

  6. stradella says:

    Barack Obama was writing and sponsoring pro-gay legislation back when he was an elected Illinois state senator.

    What was Hillary Clinton doing 14 years ago?

    Defending her husband from the vast rightwing conspiracy? Puhleeze!

  7. Bagley says:

    Capitalism is great!

  8. Randy Arroyo says:

    Ones and fives? More like hundreds and thousands. I remember my Mexican immigrant grandfather sitting around the dinner table and telling his family if they want to get rich in America, “go into politics.”

  9. smrtas1 says:

    The current salary for president is $400k as of 2001. In 2001 a bill was passed to raise it from $200k to $400k. It had been $200k since 1969. It goes up every 20 to 30 years. In ’69, it was doubled from $100k which it had been since 1949.

  10. libhomo says:

    I disagree with one word in the headline:


  11. Larry says:

    Why doesn’t Hillary finance her own campaign instead of complain about Obama outspending her as she did today.

  12. i cannot stand her — but i will say 10% to charity is quite nice. i know, there is probably a hitch – but it still is ok.

  13. stradella says:

    I turned on CNN when we got home and as expected, they were running a live speech with Hillary Clinton.

    Then I switched to CNN Headline News and they said the Clinton’s 6 year windfall wasn’t $109 million but $89 million.

    Do the Clintons own a controlling share of CNN? I’ve never seen one network so committed to pushing a particular candidate. Even FOX was this shameless when they pushed Guiliani and then later, Romney. Do the Clintons own CNN?

  14. Dusty says:

    $51 Mil is a lot of money just for Billy to open his piehole..

    Of course Ronnie Reagan got half a mil for each engagement him and Nan attended after his smarmy ass left office.

  15. taco says:

    Do the Clintons own CNN?

    This could explain the wall-to-wall coverage you see about Hillary whenever you turn on CNN.

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