Enter Al Gore?

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Hillary Clinton is behind.

She trails Barack Obama in the total states won, the popular vote and the delegate count. She is now faced with a staggering 48% negative approval number and yet Clinton has vowed to remain in the race and keep fighting. Flushed with arrogance and completely tone deaf, Clinton told TIME, Inc., that she intends to take her case for the nomination all the way to the floor of the Democratic National Convention in Denver this August.

If this nightmare scenario becomes reality, the most intriguing rumor winding its way out of Democratic circles involves former Vice President Al Gore. Gore, who is the most senior and respected Democratic party elder, as well as a superdelegate, could possibly step in and declare himself a candidate for president.

While factoring Al Gore into the 2008 race may seem preposterous, consider this: he is seen by many as the real 2000 presidential victor, he’s enormously popular and respected here and abroad, he is surrounded by an organization of enthusiastic supporters ready and willing to help him get elected again, and best of all — he’s not Hillary Clinton.

This leads us to the current Democratic front runner, Barack Obama. There is much talk inside the Beltway and in the blogoshere about what is best for the party? Al Gore could ask Obama to be his running mate. The Democrats would then have a real ‘Dream Ticket.’

This entry was posted in Barack Obama, Democrats, Election 2008, Gore, Hillary Clinton. Bookmark the permalink.

32 Responses to Enter Al Gore?

  1. feminazi says:

    An interesting and intriguing scenario, Christopher. I wonder if this is what it will take to stop the Hillary and Bill Clinton from reaching 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? One thing is certain. There is no love lost between Gore and the Clintons. I’ve read that he was appalled by Bill’s extra curricular activities with the interns, while Hillary was in Bosnia. I always liked Al Gore and I had hoped he would run in 2008.

  2. loomisnews says:

    Purely media driven by the media drivel, & Joe Klein is king drivel.

    Will never happen, pure fantasy from reporters who insist they aren’t just observers, they’re king makers.

  3. Kellybelle says:

    I like Gore and a Gore/Obama ticket would be interesting. But who would be on top? Obama’s said he’s not running for VP and Gore has already been there and done that.

  4. TOM339 says:

    The Clinton campaign has imploded and they’ve adopted a crash and burn policy of taking not prisoners.

    Evidence of this was the letter reportedly sent to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and signed by 20 high profile Democratic donors who also happen to be Hillaryites, that she needs to keep quiet and get onboard the USS Hillary Rodham Clinton, or they would make her reelection in November difficult.

    In all the years I’ve followed politics, going back to John Kennedy’s White House run, I have never seen dirty politics like these played by the Clintons.

  5. Harry says:

    I love the idea of Gore and Obama on the same ticket but I just can’t see Obama taking a second place seat. He’s come too far to retreat.

  6. proudprogressive says:

    Dream ticket is right ..pure fantasy.

  7. Lupe says:

    I adore Al Gore but I can’t see him entering the throng in 2008.

    Now maybe 2012 or 2016. By then, if Hillary Clinton throws the election to McCain, the country will need the brilliance of Al Gore to clean up what is left of this country.

  8. Brigadoon says:

    They better have the National Guard inside the convention hall because if the Borg Queen starts playing this entitlement card, she’s likely going to find herself pie’d and egg’d by angry Democrats who long ago reached Clinton-fatigue and want her to STFU.

  9. stradella says:

    Christopher – Your girl stradella membas well how much you loved Al Gore before deciding to support th “O” man.

    You struggled and you fretted but at the end of the day, you came around to make the right choice by supporting Barack.

    That said, I just don’t think this scenario will happen. Gore’s a busy man nowadays and lets not allow ourselves to let the Hillary monster intimidate us.

    If Hillary is really as stupid as she appears and takes her fight to Denver, I think she will be booed off the stage.

  10. kalabro says:

    I don’t find a Gore/Obama ticket any more appealing than Hillary/Obama. Right now, Obama is the front runner. His candidacy for the nomination has been active for over a year now and when voters went to the polls and voted for him, they were voting for him to be the president–not second chair to Hillary…OR Al Gore.

  11. Adirondacky says:

    It’s Obama or I stay home.

    Sorry folks, but this election can’t be about compromise and accommodation. Obama has shown himself to be the best candidate and I will not accept anyone else.

  12. Diane says:

    I like Al, but after his disastrous campaign in 2000, I don’t think he gets a do-over.

  13. Maithri says:

    The two of them together would be awesome,

    Peace bro, M

  14. Woodcliffe says:

    Why not Gore as Obama’s vice president?

    Does the Constitution prevent a previous, two-term vice president from serving again on a different ticket?

    Obama/Gore 2008. Works for me.

  15. Paul says:

    Methinks a Gore candidacy might be a bit of a stretch, but I can definitely see him weighing in heavily to pressure Clinton to back down.

    Though there is that secret meeting between Gore and Obama to consider.
    Who knows what they were talking about.

    But, looking at it hypothetically, my question is how is it even possible for him to declare himself a candidate at that point if the primaries are over and there are no more pledged delegates to be won?

  16. Carol Hussein says:

    Hey Christopher, I followed you here from Les Enrages. Great site! And some great comments here too. Your Blogger Code of Ethics is outstanding.

  17. Winnie H. says:

    I’m not sure if Al Gore could just step in at the end and get the nomination without plenty of hard feelings from Obama supporters.

    Obama and his staff have worked hard for this — his campaign organization is topnotch, his fundraising far surpasses anything any candidate has ever been able to do, and he has brought more new people into the Democratic party than ever before.

    Obama is the one who has taken all the ugly hits from Hillary — the one who has had to endure Bill Clinton’s fearmongering and racial attacks. And he’s faced all this with dignity and class and has only retaliated when he absolutely had to defend himself.

    I wanted Al Gore to run this time but he didn’t, and I think it’s too late now for him to step up and claim the top prize after Obama has EARNED it. And I don’t think it would send a very good message to the African-American community either. It would still smack of entitlement, I’m afraid. It would almost seem like ….”let the black man do all the hard work and endure all the pain and then let the white guy come in and take all the credit and the glory.”

    Obama deserves to be the nominee, and he deserves the support of the entire party. Has the Democratic party ever had anyone who could energize the voters and raise money like this? It’s time for people like Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Joe Biden and John Edwards to step up beside him and give him their whole-hearted support. They need to tell the Clintons that they had their 8 years and now they need to go home and stop destroying their political party.

    No one would be talking about this scenario with Gore if Hillary had conceded like everyone else when it was clear that she couldn’t win the nomination. It just doesn’t seem right for Obama to have the nomination taken away from him just because Hillary is such a sore loser and is so hungry for power at all costs.

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  19. PoliShifter says:

    Don’t think Gore would go for VP again.

    Not sure if Gore harbors animosity toward Bill Clinton for ruining his 2000 election bid with Monica-Gate and impeachment. Let’s face it, if Bill kept his dick in his pants Al Gore would be President right now, we never would have invaded Iraq, and we’d be well on our way off of foreign oil.

    It would be nice to see him step in and push the process forward but there seems to be consensus to let things go untill June.

  20. captaincupcake says:

    Gore would have to toss his hat in the ring as an independent. Just don’t see him being anointed as the party nominee & supplanting those that ran for the spot.

    Now say Gore/Clark announced as independent candidates. I would vote for that team in a NY second.

    Obama is not electable after the Wright fiasco & more is coming out about his unsavory connections.

    Gore/Clark would trounce McCain.

  21. joost says:

    The new bitch at FOX News isn’t Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin — it’s Hillary Clinton.

    After saying she would join the other Democrats and not debate on FOX, now she’s appeared with Chris Wallace twice and today with Greta Van Susteren.

    Hillary must have a chair at FOX now with her name engraved on it. Anyway, today she told Greta that she plans to go all the way to the convention, even if she tears the party in shreds and Obama is left bleeding on the side of the road.

    Hillary Clinton needs to be stopped. She’s like a virus and she’s spreading and multiplying, getting stronger and stronger and pussy Dems like Howard Dead just stand on the sides wringing his hands not sure how to stop her.

  22. taco says:

    Why not Gore as Obama’s vice president?

    Now we’re talking!

    I can’t see Gore doing this but if he did, the howls of support would forever and always turn him into Most Amzing American status.

  23. Matteo says:

    Reuters got it right today when they said, “Somebody forgot to tell Hillary Clinton the Democratic presidential race is over and Barack Obama won.”

    Now, if Mrs. Clinton doesn’t understand this then perhaps, the nice young men in their clean white coats need to throw a butterfly net over her and gently haul her off to a psychiatric ward for 24/7 observation?

  24. I could live with it either way… although I think it would be highly unlikely.

    Meanwhile, The 21 Fat Cats that have donated to Hillary’s campaign have penned a letter to the Princess. Wonder what she’ll have to say.


  25. Gary Hussein SF says:

    While Gore/Obama would be my ‘dream team,’ unless Clinton damages Obama to the point where he has little chance of winning the November election, Obama should go the distance.

    Assuming Obama wins the election, I prefer that Gore be appointed to the sorely needed cabinet posts of Secretary of Science or Secretary of Global Climate Change Response. While I’m creating new posts, I want to see a Minister of Culture appointed as well.

    Yeah, you may say that I’m a dreamer. But I’m not the only one.

  26. Randy Arroyo says:

    I would be content with both Obama and Gore on the same ticket and honestly, who is on top just isn’t all that important to me. But as I understand things, Gore is a busy man these days making money and raising awareness about global warming. Would he be willing to give this up? Just doesn’t seem likely to me.

  27. I kind of have a problem with the idea of Gore jumping in when he hasn’t campaigned for it and nobody’s voted for him, but since he was already elected president, I guess he’d have a little more legitimacy than anyone else who did that. But he has to make Obama his VP…otherwise I will be really upset.

  28. SadButTrue says:

    Nice bit of speculation, it would be nice if it were true. I know Station Agent has posted many a lament at Ice Station Tango about Gore’s absence from the fray.

    My dream running mate would not be Obama but maybe someone like Russ Feingold. Or put Russ in as Senate Majority Leader, then you’d see things getting done.

  29. Oh, I don’t think that would be such a good idea. I fear that nominating Gore may turn off a lot of the voters who were instrumental in getting Barack Obama where he is.

  30. Mauigirl says:

    It wouldn’t be my dream ticket. I’m not a huge Gore fan. I respect his work on the environment but I still find him quite pedantic in his manner and I don’t think he’d get elected that easily – the “average joe” just doesn’t warm up to him. I know it’s been 8 years and he may have learned from the past but it’s hard to change your whole personality.

    And I feel he blew the campaign in 2000; it shouldn’t have ever gotten as close as it did. He had all the advantages and he didn’t even win his own home state.

    As someone else suggested, he’d make a good cabinet member.

    I could see him stepping in and endorsing Obama to help put an end to this madness. If he did that it would have a lot of weight.

  31. Jim says:

    Gore is terrific but I still think Obama is best–he is “change” personified.

  32. Rachel says:

    There is no love lost between Gore and Hillary. I’m not sure he will enter the race but, he could certainly embarrass her at the convention and make her look even smaller than she already looks.

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