NY Luv Guv Spitzer Spent $80,000 on Poontang

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

As the political world awaits his expected resignation, new details have emerged detailing New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer was a repeat customer who spent tens of thousands of dollars — perhaps as much as $80,000 — on hookers over an 8-to-10 year period.

Spitzer and his family remain secluded in their Fifth Avenue apartment, huddling with advisers and a team of lawyers, while New York state Republican leaders began talking impeachment.

The sex scandal broke Monday when prosecutors said in court papers that Spitzer had been caught on a wiretap spending $4,300 with the Emperors Club VIP call-girl service, with some of the money going toward a night with a hooker named Kristen and the rest to be used as credit toward future trysts.

Many Albany watchers expect Eliot Spitzer to resign as early as today.

Editors Note: Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned as New York governor today at 11:30am. His resignation will officially take place Monday, March 17, 2008.

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6 Responses to NY Luv Guv Spitzer Spent $80,000 on Poontang

  1. Rhea says:

    Incredible. That’s a lot of years of deception.

  2. Larry says:

    Brian Ross of ABC News interviewed the escort and she said Spitzer had used her as far back as when he was Attorney General, 3 years ago.

  3. joost says:

    Eliot Spitzer is roadkill. He’s gone either today or tomorrow. The guy is a pig.

    Now the really interesting part of this sordid saga is the rise of Lt. Gov. David Paterson. He’s African American and he’s legally blind. When he becomes governor, Patterson will be only the third black state governor since the Reconstruction era and the first for New York. What a story!

  4. Rachel says:

    It’s even worse. Now comes news that Spitzer setup a bogus corporation to funnel monies from his family estate to cover the costs associated with paying for call-girl services. This bumps a regular sex scandal up dozens of notches. If this is true, Spitzer violated Federal tax and corporation laws. I think it will be very unlikely he can avoid time in prison.

  5. wayoyo says:

    A poll released late Tuesday found that 70 percent of New Yorkers think Spitzer should resign, while 66 percent believe he should be impeached and removed from office if he doesn’t.

    His career is over.

  6. Adirondacky says:

    Well, Spitzer has resigned. He served 14 months and was brought down by a prostitute scandal. You can’t make this stuff up. No one can ever politics is boring.

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