Keith Olbermann to Do Anti-Hillary “Special Comment” Tonight

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Keith Olbermann announced that he would deliver another of his “Special Comments” — his impassioned, angry monologues fueled by outrage and usually addressed to President Bush and the Bush administration cronies.

Tonight, his special comment will be directed at Hillary Clinton and for the first time, his special comment will be directed exclusively at a Democrat.

My guess is, Keith was motivated to target Hillary Clinton in response to her campaign shamelessly playing the race card. Keith doesn’t take kindly to this sort of thing.

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9 Responses to Keith Olbermann to Do Anti-Hillary “Special Comment” Tonight

  1. Adirondacky says:

    It’s long over do that someone in the MSM takes on this bitch and takes her to task for her campaign’s tactics. For far too long, Hillary Clinton has received a free ride and given a “Pass” because her husband is the great Bill Clinton. Even Barack Obama has been, in my opinion, too deferential to her. I wouldn’t miss Keith tonight for anything.

  2. Rachel says:

    I hope Keith rips Hillary a new one. After the racist bullshit with Clinton operator Geraldine Ferarro, I reached a kind of critical mass with the Clintons. I want them kicked to the curb and buried under 6 feet of sewer waste. They make me sick to my stomach.

  3. TOM339 says:

    Heard this last night and I can hardly wait.

    Imagine it: the first Special Comment by Olbermann with a Democrat as the subject and it happens to be Hillary Clinton.

    What a dubious honor.

  4. Hey Chris,
    I was just wondering if you had seen this:
    Obama Receives Endorsement of Flag Officers from Army, Navy and Air Force

    I’m just wondering if it will put an end to Hillary’s shrill (non) argument.


  5. Christopher says:


    Hadn’t seen this. Most excellent news!

    Thanks for the link.

  6. gasdocpol says:

    I will not miss this one.

  7. taco says:

    I want them kicked to the curb and buried under 6 feet of sewer waste.

    Rachel – the Clintons already live in the sewer.

    If you kick them back there, aren’t they just returning home? 😉

  8. Sasha in MN says:

    Darn it, I wish it was a tag team special!, I’d make some popcorn to watch Olbermann & Shuster VS HRC & Chelsea.

    And can someone please explain to me how Chelsea is a super delegate? Who’s next?, Monica? Jennifer? Paula?

  9. enigma4ever says:

    The Special Comment was welldone…Don’t forget to write and thank Keith – we don’t want to see him Shustered….

    It was excellent- the thing is the DEM leadership should take a stand…and so should other DEMS….the Leadership….Kennedy, Feingold, etc
    …and it is time for Obama’s Superdel’s to come out and make a stand…EN FORCE…ie. Hey Edwards….MORE people need to step up and speak out….this has gone on too far and too long- at this rate Hill is encouraging the KKK Vote- don’t laugh – there are counties in Mississippi that she got big Repug Numbers….

    The most troubling angle of this story- Geraldine was FUNDRAISING using that speech about Obama being lucky to be black…she was RAISING $$$$ for Hill by being racist….

    And I have been writing to the DEM leadership saying this and I mean it- and I encourage others to do it too- “I can not and Will Not VOTE for HILL EVER….she has divided our party using Repug Tactics and using racism as a platform for her to grab power”. ( also write to Ted Kennedy- as a party elder he needs to know….)

    It is Time for We The People to let the DEMS know HOW we feel about this….

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