Hillary’s Klan Seamstress Resigns

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Former Democratic vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro stepped down on Wednesday from her finance position with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, a campaign spokesman said.

Ferraro, had her ass handed to her after saying Barack Obama would not be ahead in the Democratic presidential race were it not for the fact he’s African American.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time Geraldine Ferraro got caught uttering racist garbage. In 1988, Ferraro said, “If Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn’t be in the race.” So much for the myth of feminism being about equality.

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14 Responses to Hillary’s Klan Seamstress Resigns

  1. Aloys says:

    Geraldine Ferarro is a real piece of work. I read today that she spent last night on Billo Reilly’s program the playing victim card. Billo was all too happy to have her on as a guest. What a stupid bitch.

  2. Sasha in MN says:

    Just an old bag of bones with a bleached mind, I’d go into hiding if I were her.

  3. kalabro says:

    What strange bedfellows racism makes. Geraldine Ferarro on Billo Lie-lly’s program? And Billo lapping up her “victim” status? Why can’t we as a nation see that there are segments (that, apparently, have been long silent) of the Democratic Party that have harbored racist sentiments (hell, probably homophobic sentiments, too!)–now, we’re seeing how those sentiments (and resentments) are bubbling up to the surface.

  4. Voters should be very worried about a candidate who uses racism to pander to the most base elements in the Democratic party in hopes of winning votes.

    This is the Hillary Clinton’s MO and her behavior only works to divide supporters and alienate younger voters who came up in a different world.

    The Superdelegates need to take notice of who this woman is and how she engages in a zero sum game strategy to win at any and all costs.

    Is Howard Dean afraid of the Clintons? Why isn’t he on every cable news program speaking out against the Clinton’s filth?

  5. Rachel says:

    “Hillary’s Klan Seamstress!” ROFLMAO

  6. California Dreamin' says:

    Keith Olbermann took to task Mrs. Clinton for not distancing herself and her campaign tonight in a brilliant Special Comment.

    As usual, Keith proved himself to be a national treasure the genuine voice of the progressive left.

  7. libhomo says:

    I don’t think you can generalize to all feminism or feminists based on what some feminists say. Ferarro has a lot of negative character traits that have nothing to do with the views of feminism.

  8. Brigadoon says:

    Gerry Ferraro can suck my dick. She’s an old racist bitch who looks like she’s 100 years old. Maybe she can become a lobbyist for the Aryan Nation? She seems most comfortable with human shit like this.

  9. JollyRoger says:

    I really don’t think she’s a conscious racist. I think she’s the prisoner of a mindset. Many her age are still locked up there.

  10. Mauigirl says:

    I agree with Libhomo – Ferraro was always problematic…remember when her husband was in trouble for some financial stuff? She’s never been squeaky clean, and is a tough old bird. I am not surprised that she came out with this stuff.

  11. Harry says:

    You know Hillary is worried about Ferraro because she spent yesterday apologizing for her. Hillary never says “I’m sorry.”

  12. Jamal says:

    Geraldine is a racist heifer.

  13. wayoyo says:

    Feminists have by and large lost credibility after Gloria Steinum wrote her hit piece in the NYTs. I also think Hillary’s most ardent female supporters who cheered the campaign playing the race card have helped create a gender war. This is not how you support your candidate.

  14. libhomo says:

    I have read some blogs by feminists who are old, and I have read something that explains a lot. A few of them have said something to the effect of:

    If Hillary Clinton doesn’t win, there won’t be a woman president in my lifetime.

    The lack of a woman president is shameful. So is the lack of a black president. It’s too bad that the first viable woman candidate is a de facto Republican like Ms. Clinton. (She is a Republican by policies and by tactics.)

    I think the fact that old feminists are more determined to elect Ms. Clinton has to do more with awareness of their mortality than any defect in feminist philosophy. I also think that is why young feminists are more open to supporting Obama.

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