Pelosi Tells Clinton, Obama to Quit Bickering

Friday, March 7, 2008

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged both leading Democratic presidential candidates to cease their bickering, warning that the escalating rhetoric could hurt the party’s chances in November.

Pelosi said Friday at a luncheon in New York:

“I would encourage both of them, as I have, to remember we have to keep our eyes on the prize, which is the general election in November. We are all very passionate about our politics and the issues we believe in, but we have to be very dispassionate about how we approach winning. We have to lift the debate to a place that does not turn off the American people.”

Pelosi was also asked about the dispute over Michigan and Florida, the two states that were stripped of their delegates because they violated Democratic Party rules by holding their contests too early in the primary season.

Pelosi isn’t supportive of do-overs the Clinton camp is agitating for:

“The rules are the rules. You really can’t say, ‘Ok, well, we had the rules, but never mind.”

This entry was posted in Barack Obama, Election 2008, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to Pelosi Tells Clinton, Obama to Quit Bickering

  1. Adirondacky says:

    This may be the only time in my life that Pelosi has said anything that remotely makes sense and has any value. I tend to agree. Obama and Hillary are beginning to piss off people — not a good thing. They need to cool it and start attacking McCain.

  2. taco says:

    “The rules are the rules. You really can’t say, ‘Ok, well, we had the rules, but never mind.”

    Oops. Pelosi shouldn’t expect an invite to the Clintons place on July 4th for corn and tater salad.

  3. libhomo says:

    Pelosi would have more credibility if she acknowledged that the Constitution has the most important rules for Congress, and she is breaking those rules by blocking impeachment.

  4. Paul says:

    I don’t know how I feel about her telling them to stop bickering at this point.
    Why didn’t she step up when the borg queen was viciously attacking Obama?

    Why did she wait until he began to fight back to call for a “cease fire”?

    I am glad she is being firm on the Florida/Michigan issue though.

  5. Winnie H. says:

    I wouldn’t exactly call the sleazy attacks of the Clinton campaign and then the subsequent necessity of Obama answering those attacks…”bickering.”

    At this point, Hillary Clinton should be kicked out of the Democratic party. Several times over the past few days, she has said that John McCain would be a better President than Barack Obama. That’s unforgivable. Nancy Pelosi and other leaders of the Democratic Party should be publicly rebuking Hillary Clinton — in the strongest possible language — for saying this.

    It’s an outrage that she is campaigning on behalf of John McCain in order to try to slime Obama, her fellow Democrat. Hillary and her camp know that it is impossible for her to win this thing now, so she’s taking the entire ship down with her. If Pelosi and the other party heavyweights don’t do something soon to leash Hillary, we’ll be looking at 4 years of President McCain, and quite possibly the end of the Demcratic party.

    But since they haven’t had the guts to stand up to Bush, what makes us think they will stand up to the Clinton royal family?

  6. enigma4ever says:

    Well, Ms.Let’s take it Off the Table…..
    Maybe she should sit down with Hill and have alittle discussion about her ANTICS..and her pisspoor “democratic” behavior……oh, hell knowing our luck they would just sit and swap pantsuits tips…..

    I wish SOMEONE would tell her to quit acting like a shrew… a woman it is disgusting to watch ( and the friggin media keeps saying that WOMEN are voting en masse for her- actually it is only women over 65……jus sayin’)

  7. Nancy should go back to figuring out what to serve in the cafeteria

    right message, wrong messenger — her credibility among regular people and democrats is about as good as the man she has chosen to keep in office

  8. feminazi says:

    Pelosi should stay out of it. Her failed leadership as Speaker makes her words ring hollow to most people. Pelosi has zero credibility on Capitol Hill these days.

  9. Sasha in MN says:

    Agree with Paul.
    If anything she should of bitch slapped the monster weeks ago. They’re both females I can’t relate to.

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