Hillary Spokesman Compares Obama to Ken Starr

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hillary Clinton’s spokesman Howard Wolfson, is acting as batshit crazy as his boss, attacking Barack Obama and comparing him to infamous Clinton foe Ken Starr for demanding the New York senator release her tax returns.

Wolfson said:

“When Senator Obama was confronted with questions over whether he was ready to be Commander-in-Chief and steward of the economy, he chose not to address those questions, but to attack Senator Clinton. I for one do not believe that imitating Ken Starr is the way to win a Democratic primary election for president.”

Obama has demanded Clinton’s tax returns, also citing delays in releasing her White House schedules, and even referenced her cattle futures in the late 1970s that became a subject of allegations during the White House years.

It would appear that Obama’s requests have touched a nerve in Hillaryland. As they say, where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

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12 Responses to Hillary Spokesman Compares Obama to Ken Starr

  1. taco says:

    It would appear that Obama’s requests have touched a nerve in Hillaryland. As they say, where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

    And while she’s at it, as a voter and an American, I would like the Borg Queen to reveal the name(s) of the Arab sheiks who bankrolled Billy’s presidential library.

    She says she’s for “open government.” Time to begin at home.

  2. Woodcliffe says:

    Hillary has promised to release her tax returns more times than Kirsti Alley said she would lose weight.

    After every debate, in fact, there is a new set of excuses why Hillary can’t or won’t release her tax documents.

    If she has nothing to hide, do what every other person who has ran for president has done for the past 50 years and release them. What is she hiding?

  3. Winnie H. says:

    I’m with you, taco. I want to know about Saudi Arabia and that library. It’s a national security issue.

    You know what they say about people who live in glass houses. The Clintons have opened themselves up to all of this, and I hope people start throwing stones back at their glass house, which is the biggest one of all.

    I bet Hillary has Wolfson all set up to her press secretary. He’s the Democratic version of Tony Snow.

    It’s funny how many parallels there are with people in her campaign to people in the current administration. And it starts at the top.

  4. Brandon Pitlock says:

    Am I the only one who is beginning to see Lady Hillary as a snake with its tail cut off. She’s fronting a tough facade but deep down, she’s wily and frightened and striking out at anything who crosses her.

    Hang strong, Barack. You’re in for a rocky ride opposing the Clinton machine.

  5. Paul says:

    Wolfson is as shameless as they come.

    Kudos to Barack though. He’s clearly making the borg queen sweat over this one.

  6. Brigadoon says:

    Paul is so correct. Wolfson is as big a pig as Mark Penn. I find it so curious that the Borg Queen has surrounded herself with such low-life. I think its a reflection of her lack of character. You know what they say: water finds its own level.

  7. kellybelle says:

    If Obama is acting like Ken Starr, Hillary is acting like her old self: refusing to turn over documents, stonewalling, obfuscating. Just like she did all through the first Clinton Administration.
    Jeez, I am so tired of her.

  8. Sasha in MN says:

    “acting batshit crazy”, perfect description of Wolfson he is after all an idiot but that whole camp is rabid. I mean c’mon Obama and Starr comparisons? But then again she’s got reason to be nervous of him as well.

  9. Steven says:

    Hillary’s resistance to releasing her tax info reminds me of her ongoing resistance to admitting that she made a mistake in her vote for the Iraq war.

    I want a president who CAN admit they made a mistake and then move on from there.

  10. Molly says:

    Not sure that this is a smart move by the Clinton campaign. Do they really want to remind people of all that?

  11. wolfson is a ass – period

  12. Jim says:

    Oh PUUULEEEEEZZZZ! Someone is acting like Ken Star, but not Obama.

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