Obama Picks Up 9 Point Net Gain in Texas

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Interesting SurveyUSA poll shows a 9 point net gain for Barack Obama over rival Hillary Clinton in Texas in the past week alone. The poll was taken 02/23-02/25. The bracketed numbers show the previous week.

Obama 49 (45)
Clinton 45 (50)

It is very unusual to see a 9 point swing in just six days. The momentum behind Obama’s campaign has become a freight train and appears to be unstoppable now.

With a 9 point net gain for Obama in a red state like Texas, you really have to wonder why Hillary is bothering to participate in the final debate in Cleveland tonight?

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11 Responses to Obama Picks Up 9 Point Net Gain in Texas

  1. Larry says:

    Part of Obama’s success there is not only the freight train, but also the result of the fright strain that Hillary has caused.

  2. Joe in Colorado says:

    The small number of white conservative remaining in Texas just hate the Clintons. They would vote for Jeffrey Dahmer befor they voted for a Clinton. This is going to be a vote boon for Barack Obama.

  3. Matteo says:

    The coveted yet difficult to corral youth voter is helping Obama too.

    Young People Energized About Election


    “Eighty percent of young voters said they were following the election closely, nearly twice the 42 percent who said the same during the 2006 midterm congressional election year.”

  4. Harry says:

    I hope the “youth voter” gets off their ass this time and bothers to vote. They sure didn’t in 2004.

  5. taco says:

    Part of Obama’s success there is not only the freight train, but also the result of the fright strain that Hillary has caused.

    LMAO Hillary is a “fright” alright.

  6. Woodcliffe says:

    Any guesses as to which witch we will see in tonight’s debate?

    Will we see the policy wonk Hillary, blathering details and numbers?

    Or, will we see the warm, fuzzy, “I am honored” Hillary?

    Or, still, maybe the batshit nutcase Hillary from this past weekend?

    Or, maybe she will pull a Rick Lazio and leave the podium and try to menace Obama with her pantsuit?

  7. leon says:

    I wonder if these polls will get a boost from the Clinton’s latest smear tactics?

  8. gasdocpol says:

    Hillary is pretty qualified and capable but Obama is more so.

    Obama will be a much better candidate against McCain.

    The choice is a no brainer.

  9. Jim says:

    I think Hillary is history.

  10. proudprogressive says:

    swoosh…nothing but net !

  11. proudprogressive says:

    i have had my head turned away from the campaign trail for a day or two..and when i saw that yellow suited shillery melt down speech i knew the proverbial goose was cooked. No one wants a shrew in office..Now that is not sexist AT ALL – if she were male yelling and saying shame shame doing these same behaviors i would fear hir as a mad dictator and we are trying to get one of those out of the white house now.
    I am still waiting …to hear what actually she has accomplished..Its gotten to the point of embarrassing..

    And i truly think we are gonna see a melt down on TV and i wish that on no one.

    oh …and did i say …GO OBAMA !

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