Leon Panetta: “Mark Penn is Like Karl Rove”

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

In a stinging rebuke of Hillary Clinton’s top strategist Mark Penn, old Clinton loyalist, Leon Panetta compared Penn to Karl Rove.

In an interview with The Observer, Mr. Panetta suggested that the Clinton campaign had totally underestimated Barack Obama’s appeal and complained about the overall lack of planning that he said had characterized the former First Lady’s bid to return to the White House.

Mr. Panetta, who served as chief of staff in the White House from July 1994 to January 1997, and who has contributed $2000 to Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign, complained that Mr. Penn “is a political pollster from the past.”

”I never considered him someone who would run a national campaign for the presidency,” he said.

He asserted that Mr. Penn “comes from an old school, like Karl Rove—it’s all about dividing people into smaller groups rather than taking the broader approach that was needed.”

Referring to Barack Obama, he said, “I think he really captured early on this deep feeling in the country about needing change in Washington. And people have underestimated how deep that sense was, just how much people felt the need for change.”

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12 Responses to Leon Panetta: “Mark Penn is Like Karl Rove”

  1. TOM339 says:


    When a Clintonista like Leon Panetta takes aim with Hillary’s team, you know the rats see the ship sinking and have begun jumping.

    Excellent article.

  2. DMason says:

    Hillary is forking over $5 million a year to Mark Penn. $5 million and she’s losing to a freshman senator? Don’t get me wrong, I support Obama but Mark Penn is running the worst campaign I’ve ever seen.

  3. Adirondacky says:

    I never understood how Mark Penn was introduced to Hillary in the first place. Everyone said Hillary possesses this keen intelligence and great instincts but she hires a greasy thug who is too challenged ethically to sell used Yugos. Go figure?

  4. joost says:

    Panetta sees the writing on the wall.

    Maybe he’ll switch and endorse Obama? Stranger things have happened.

  5. Rachel says:

    No one put a gun to Hillary’s head and forced her to hire Mark Penn. The decision is a reflection of her utter lack of judgment. If she crashes and burns, too fucking bad. I guess Mark Penn won’t be hired to work on Princess Chelsea’s campaign in 2012.

  6. Sasha in MN says:

    Let’s see we got Penn, Ickey and Maggie Williams heading the HRC’s campaign . Interesting karma working over there.

  7. $5 million for Mark Penn — way to get your money’s worth!

  8. Brandon Pitlock says:

    Hillary is paying Mark Penn $5 million?

    Whoa, girlfriend, hold up there. I can promise to drive your presidential campaign into the ground for half that much. Deal?

  9. Lupe says:

    Leon Panetta had better not expect an invitation in the mail for Thanksgiving dinner with the Clintons at Chappaqua this year. 🙂

  10. enigma4ever says:

    Leon is smart enough to watch this TEAM that hill has assembled and know it is a disaster- Williams ( her damage control from the WH years) and Ickles ( also same skills) and then Penn- who has known her since Walmart days, and has Union Busting Skills….a disasterous team…..Panetta is smart and experienced….so it just goes to show that even thought she has 35 years of “experience” , there does not seem to be much wisdom that came with it…

  11. Randy Arroyo says:

    Panetta could certainly join the Obama team. He has a lot to offer and I’m sure Obama would welcome him on board.

  12. libhomo says:

    DMason: Giuliani managed to have an even worse campaign. No matter how badly something is run, somebody can screw things up even worse.

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