Hillary Appears on Pat Robertson’s 700 Club

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I swear, this woman would appear at a KKK rally if she thought it would result in a few more votes. Hillary Clinton wouldn’t know decency if she tripped over it.

If you have the stomach to watch, click HERE.

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9 Responses to Hillary Appears on Pat Robertson’s 700 Club

  1. Randy Arroyo says:

    Didn’t Pat Robertson go after her husband for two years during the height of the Monicagate scandal? So now she buries the hatchet and makes nice with the radical, religious right? Fuck off, Hillary.

  2. Lupe says:

    Hillary is shameless for shoring herself on the 700 Club. This demographic won’t vote for her. They hate the Clintons. Oh well.

  3. Joe in Colorado says:

    I can’t watch it. All I know is I can smell desperation from Hillary now and it’s now pretty. To appear on the 700 Club proves it.

  4. Stupid Jesusheads, their video wouldn’t play. I’m sure some holy crap was said, but what I want to know was if Pat, at the end, closed his eyes and did that shuddering prayer crap. That’s always comical.

  5. TOM339 says:

    How embarrassing.

    Of all the faux media outlets for Hillary to drag herself to, she chose the 700 Club? Come on, this is a new low, even for her.

  6. Bill Perdue, RainbowRED says:

    Hillary Clinton is a Dixiecrat in a right centrist party. Like Obama, she’s bitterly opposed to same sex marriage. She and her party are responsible for DOMA and DADT and refuse to repeal them. Not unintentionally it was her campaign manager Barney Frank who accepted the task of gutting ENDA and then tossing both it and the Matthew Sheppard Hate Crimes Bill into the toilet. Democrats did it so Republicans couldn’t claim that Democrats are GLBT friendly. As if.

    Hillary Clinton, like Obama is a union buster and a long time supporter of NAFTA, exporting jobs, tax cuts for the rich matched by cuts in welfare, Medicare and unemployment insurance. She lying about that now but her social and economic program was set in stone when she spent six years on the board of director of Wal-Mart whose real slogan is “Always Low Wages”.

    Hillary Clinton, along with other right wing centrists like Joe Lieberman, is an ardent supporter of Bush’s oil piracy and supports the zionist apartheid state. Their cruel treatment of Palestinians has been exposed by South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who knows a thing or two about life in an apartheid state. Tutu’s also the most senior anglocatholic who actively supports GLBT equality. Billery adamantly supports Bushes plan to extend the war to Iran by using nukes ‘if necessary’.

    In a move as outrageous as Obamas pandering to chistian gaybashers utilizing swine like Donnie McKulkin and Mary Hillary, Clinton is once again trawling for the bigot/simpleton vote. She appeared on Pat Robertson’s CBN network to explain her deep commitment to ‘christian values’ like opposition to samesex marriage and to take a few cheap shots at Ralph Nader, a indisputable American hero. She bitterly explained that Nader is just a tool of the Republicans, the same slander she uses against Edwards, Obama and anyone else bold enough to get in her way. Earlier Pat Robertson expressed his deep admiration for Billary and congratulated her for ‘tacking to the right” as hard and as fast as she could.

    The only people who could admire her or Obama are the terminally naive, other Dixiecrats and hacks for the right centrist Democrats.

  7. enigma4ever says:

    wow..I hate following the rant above ( I doubt that Obama can be considered a dixiecrat…)……anyways…I wanted to say that it was a pandering piece of an interview….and please don’t give her ideas about KKK, also the ads here in Ohio – ALL white people in the ads- it is so infuriating…..so you are not far from the truth…her “base” is now Older women over 60, Catholics, and older Hispanics ……..

  8. libhomo says:

    Bill Perdue: Some of us consider a centrist Democrat like Obama a compromise that we can live with, especially when the alternatives are conservative Republicans like Hillary McCain and John Clinton.

    I would have preferred Kucinich, but to get someone like him nominated, progressives will have to do a lot more media activism.

  9. dave says:

    Why would anybody even consider voting for Hillary Clinton? Her idea of being antiwar is to vacate Iraq so she (and her big-buisness croonies) can bomb Iran instead. Obama is hardly better, as evidenced by his consistent votes to approve war funding. People should either abstain or vote socialist.

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