Fewer Want Bill Clinton Back in the White House

Monday, February 4, 2008

The question of what to call former president Bill Clinton should his wife become the next president is academic. A new survey finds that fewer voters these days like the idea of the former president being back in the White House.

Forty one percent of registered voters told the latest Pew Research Center survey that they disliked the idea of Mr. Clinton back at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. In October, 34 percent of voters disliked the idea.

The poll found that independent voters have become more uncomfortable with the idea. In October, just 35 percent of independents disliked the idea; now, 45 percent dislike it.

Democrats seem to be generally comfortable with bringing Mr. Clinton back. In October, only 10 percent disliked the idea of him back in the White House, and even after his bad week only 12 percent object now.

In a general election, however, the prospect of Mr. Clinton back in the White House would be a bigger burden for her to overcome. Republicans never liked the idea. In October, 66 percent said they disliked it; now 80 percent dislike it.

SOURCE: The Caucus

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6 Responses to Fewer Want Bill Clinton Back in the White House

  1. Larry says:

    Bill Clinton is ruining the credentials of the positive aspects of his presidency with his continued sliming of Obama, and his phony adoration for Shillery.

  2. feminazi says:

    If she gets elected, Bill will be the de facto Vice President. Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad? He was a good president and he’s smart. Hillary will need all the help she can get with negatives in the 50’s and the Republicans in the Congress ready for a fight.

  3. Harry says:

    I would prefer Bill Clinton in the White House than his wife. But unfortunately, to get him you have to elect her.

  4. Winnie H. says:

    If people feel this way now, simply based on Bill’s latest shenanigans and Hillary’s triangulation, just wait until the GOP gets a chance to remind us all of Bill’s years in the White House. It won’t be pretty.

    I have felt all along that “ruling families” in America is not a good idea. Historically, it hasn’t worked out well at all, and the Clintons are clearly just too desperate for power. Even once good people with their hearts in the right place can be so corrupted by too much power that they become unrecognizable. I believe that’s what we are seeing with the Clintons.

  5. dax23 says:

    Sure….they will bring Bill Clinton’s record out no doubt. And if they do…..it ought to be more good there than bad. Wha you mean is the slant people will engage in in the selective myopic way they will look at his record.

    I can live with that. Bill Clinton for all his flaws did more good than most presidents and I include in that list Ronald Reagan.

  6. Aghadoz says:

    Were was she when bill molested Monica, voting for her means giving him another opportunity to laugh at the public.

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