Obama Picks Up LGBT Supporters From Edwards

Saturday, February 2, 2008

A critical mass of John Edwards’s LGBT steering committee is going public with support for Sen. Barack Obama over Sen. Hillary Clinton.

The Advocate reports:

A critical mass of John Edwards’s LGBT steering committee is going public with support for Sen. Barack Obama over Sen. Hillary Clinton. Twenty-two members of the Edwards campaign’s original 59-person gay and lesbian committee will now be working for Obama victories next Tuesday and throughout the rest of the primary season.

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9 Responses to Obama Picks Up LGBT Supporters From Edwards

  1. DMason says:

    This is so exciting. Obama is 100 times better on gay rights than is Hillary. I always get the impression that Hillary is uncomfortable around gay people. I look at Obama’s record on LGBT rights and it goes all the way back to his years in the Illinois senate.

  2. joost says:

    I think much of Edwards’ base will make its way to Barack Obama.

    Obama was always the second choice for most of Edwards supporters. Unlike Hillary, who isn’t the second choice for anyone. This give Obama a huge advantage strategically.

  3. James says:

    Excellent news!! I too agree that Hillary seems to just give the LGBT community lip service. Hell, she gives just about everyone lip service!!

    BTW, I just added you to my blog roll. Hope that was o.k.

  4. enigma4ever says:

    awesome…..great news…..

  5. Larry says:

    Shillery thought she would pick up these voters.

  6. Larry says:

    Ethel Kennedy has endorsed Obama today!

  7. how do u think this will translate in California?

  8. enigma4ever says:

    Dawg….I think it is getting interesting…VERY…

    Hey all 1030 pm Missouri RAMS Stadium…..55000 people- AMAZING….very inspiring… turn it on 😉

  9. feminazi says:

    From my vantage point, it’s clear that Barack Obama is the best candidate vis a vis gay issues. As a young man, Barack came of age in a society where gay people are everywhere. It’s a perfect fit.

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