Market Crash


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened down more than 440 points, more than 3.5 percent lower than Friday’s close. One of the worst openings on record.

Investors around the world signaled a lack in confidence in President Bush’s ability to pull the American economy away from recession. The expectation is if America’s economy falters and lurches into a recession, the effects will be felt around the globe.

Isn’t it good to know the adults are in charge?

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8 Responses to Market Crash

  1. DCVET says:

    Throughout the modern history of the U.S., when there is a Republican president, our worst and most crippling economic conditions take hold.

    And the solution is always the same: cut taxes on the rich.

    This flawed mindset seems to be the only song GOP leaders know and time and again, it fails to deliver the punch our economy needs to avert what promises to be a severe recession.

  2. taco says:

    Isn’t it good to know the adults are in charge?

    I think this just about says it all.

    The Bush II presidency will go down in history as the worst ever. Wars, debt, recession, and a nation more divided than ever.

    But we are united on one thing. A distain for this penny-annie Texas chump. I wish he would just resign now.

  3. California Dreamin' says:

    In Southern California, thanks to the writers strike and the Bush economy, unemployment is beginning to climb and home foreclosures are happening everywhere.

    If California goes down the toilet, trust me, the rest of the nation will follow. I remember the Great Recession that Reagan created and the unemployment rate in LA reached 11%.

  4. Rachel says:

    As I understand it, the Bush junta has been warned of running up the huge deficit they’ve created and Bush and Cheney just stuck their noses in the air.

  5. Larry says:

    These are the beginning stages of the coming Bush Depression.

  6. proudprogressive says:

    Fasten your seatbelts ladies and germs , we are in for a bumpy ride, and don’t forget to the “spam”. You may not like it too much, but if you have a heat source its not too too bad real crunchy on white bread with catsup.

    Got my maiden post up on this very topic myself in my new digs.

  7. Mauigirl says:

    I was thinking the same thing as DCVet. Republicans get in, do all kinds of things to help big business, pass tax cuts, etc., and the everything goes down, so a Democrat gets in, fixes what the Republicans broke, the economy does better, and then they get castigated for raising taxes and a Republican gets in and the cycle starts all over again.

  8. bjedwards30 says:

    What kind of President cuts taxes during a time of war? Where exactly does he think the money to fight his “war on terror” is going to come from? And what is he going to do when he decides on a whim to inade Iran?

    Cut taxes to the rich and for some reason the whole country is behind him, even though the country is headed for a recession or worse… Clinton’s 8 years were the most prosperous in the history of the USA. The difference? He raised taxes on the rich. Why do we let the elite or even the neo-cons decide the fate of this country? Ever hear of the seperation of church and state? If so, could someone explain to me how it’s ok for a minister to be running for President in ’08???

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