Obama Takes Off His Gloves

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The South Carolina Democratic Debate, hosted by the National Black Caucus and CNN was arguably the first, real debate of the presidential race. At last, Barack Obama took off his gloves and stopped being Mr. Nice Guy and pushed back hard against the Clinton machine.

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10 Responses to Obama Takes Off His Gloves

  1. Harry says:

    I think Obama came away the clear winner. He stood tall over Hillary and held his ground against her attacks.

  2. feminazi says:

    I read comments on other blogs about how people want Hillary and Obama to stop battling each other and start talking about issues. From where I sit, Obama tries to do this, yet Hillary can’t resist sending her hubby out to attack Obama and distort his record. He can’t just sit on his hands and let her attacks go unaddressed. For my money, last night’s debate was the best yet.

  3. TOM339 says:

    Why is CNN involved with every presidential debate?

    I know they’re a wholly-owned subsidiary of AIPAC and as such, do their bidding in the public opinion department but, what about CSPAN? CBS? Even PBS? Enough of CNN and enough of Wolf Blitzer.

  4. Brandon Pitlock says:

    You folks just don’t understand. Lady Clinton is entitled to the presidency. She’s owed the keys to White House. It’s all about two, powerful political families controlling the presidency forever. Keep up, for goodness sake!

  5. joost says:

    It looks like CNN has turned John Edwards into the new Dennis Kucinich. Wolf, all but ignored him and he had to fight to get a word in.

    The fix is in, guys. The DNC, the DLC and corporate American want Hillary.

  6. California Dreamin' says:

    Hillary is the most polarizing Democrat and if she’s the nominee, I predict there will be voter hell to pay for all of the Congress members up for reelection this year.

    Can you imagine living in an American where the Republicans control the House, the Senate and the presidency again?

    When John Edwards stated that he can win the southern states which have a history of voting in a reactionary fashion, the point was lost on the idiot media talkingheads. Did anyone bother to listen to him?

    Hillary Clinton sitting on the board of Wal-Mart and doing nothing when the company engaged in rank union-busting says something very powerful about her values and lack of character. Why don’t her supporters focus on this?

  7. Larry says:

    Shillery does most of the attacking, yet the media decry Obama and Edwards while protecting the Iron Maiden.

  8. enigma4ever says:

    Women need to start speaking the Truth about Hill….She is not to be protected- it is despicable what she did last night at the debate and daily on the trail…Christopher come over when you can….great blogging here- you keep telling it as it is….

  9. Sasha in MN says:

    I honestly don’t know how much more of Billary I can take. I want to keep up with the election process but this nasty crap and BS especially from Billary’s camp and supporters is really turning me off.
    I turned a lovely dinner party into a heated discussion a couple nights ago because a couple of my girlfriends who are less than informed were thinking of voting for Hillary because she is a woman and a democrat and they heard about the rumor of Obama being Muslim 😦 Mind you these woman could ace a test on handbags and shoes, but there’s a lot of “casual” voters out there and they need to address the seriousness of this election. I did not want to preach nor sway, I just had them promise to check out the facts and each candidates sites. Needless to say, I will be following up on their progress.

  10. Gib says:

    Thanks so much for posting this.

    Follow your blog regularly…

    I read about this exchange but seeing it is even better.

    Notice how she cut him off when he started to say “… is a patent ____” ?

    Fill in the blank. Lie. Even as he went for the jugular, he toned down the language a little. Didn’t call her a liar.

    Loved how she said “I’m here” and he said he wasn’t sure who he was running against.

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