The Borg Queen ♥’s Joementum

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Borg Queen thinks Joementum should keep his Senate committee assignments, despite the fact he’s voted with George Bush nearly 100% of the time and is campaigning for Republican John McCain.

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7 Responses to The Borg Queen ♥’s Joementum

  1. feminazi says:

    While Lady Clinton was officially “neutral” during the Lieberman/Lamont race in 2006, I happen to know for a fact that her husband was dispatched to Connecticut at least once to campaign for Joe Lieberman. His appearance was reported in the local media. The Clintons and Holy Joe go back many decades.

  2. Brigadoon says:

    I’m so tired of Hillary Clinton sucking up to the likes of Lieberman. It’s every bit as sickening as Bush fellating his family’s old Arab pals over tea in Riyadh.

  3. Joe in Colorado says:

    “The Borg Queen.” LMAO. That’s so damned funny.

  4. panasit says:

    Hillary Clinton isn’t a liberal and she isn’t a progressive.

    Her supporters wish she would be but in reality, her political positions and voting record reveal a woman who leans to the right. She was an early and outspoken advocate for Bush’s tax cuts for the rich. She voted for Bush’s Iraq war act. Then, she voted in favor of the Patriot Act and then again for its reauthorization. Remarkably, despite all the claims that she possesses a brilliant mind, she’s quite lazy intellectually and this was proven when we learned that she never even bothered to read the legislation before voting on it. She even voted for a law to end free speech and make flag burning a crime. Time and time again, Hillary Clinton has failed to stand up to George W. Bush.

    Hillary Clinton now defends Joseph Lieberman. This really ought not to surprise anyone. In fact, she helped him get reelected and spat in the face of a true progressive Democrat, Ned Lamont in 2006.

  5. DMason says:

    Hillary’s supporters are morons. Hillary is not Bill. If by some miracle you manage to get her elected, she’s not going to bring back the Bill’s magic. You will basically elect another George Bush. Is this really who you want in the White House?

  6. Larry says:

    Of course she thinks he should keep everything. After all Hillary votes nearly the same way, especially for war.

  7. Jim says:

    With friends like that…

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