In New Hampshire, Obama Moves Into 10 Point Lead


In the first internal tracking poll taken since his win in Iowa, Barack Obama, has moved into a significant lead over his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

The poll, taken on Jan. 5 and 6, shows Obama leading Clinton, 39 to 29 percent.

John Edwards has slipped to 16 percent from 20 percent, followed by Bill Richardson at 7 percent and Dennis Kucinich at 2 percent.


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9 Responses to In New Hampshire, Obama Moves Into 10 Point Lead

  1. i am telling you — she is finishing THIRD! there is no stopping this train — there hasnt been anythig like this since JFK in 1960 —–

    and she knows it

  2. Christopher says:

    I’ve always said there is something Kennedy-esque about Barack Obama and his family.

    The man inspires people. They travel great distances to see him in person — to hear him and if they’re lucky, touch him.

    Obama fills football stadiums with supporters. When was the last time Hillary Clinton filled a football stadium?

  3. nytexan says:

    I’m happy to see he’s 10% above Hillary but I’m sad to see Edwards drop a few points. Hopefully Edwards can move up.
    However, I think that the primary will pan out as:
    Obama, Edwards and Hillary

  4. TOM339 says:

    My kids were right all along.

    Barack Obama is building a broad coalition that brings together Democrats, Independents and Republicans by making idealism the central focus of his campaign.

    He is enormously appealing to Americans of all ages and races, who are weary of George Bush and his disasterous tenure in the Oval Office.

    What we’re seeing is a new era of American politics.

  5. Winnie H. says:

    If Obama can win this big in NH on Tuesday, and that win mirrors the same trends that came out of Iowa, then it is clearly time for Hillary and Bill to back away gracefully.

    I know, I know — the idea of the Clintons doing that makes me laugh out loud, too, but think about it — if the tables were turned and Obama had finished the way Hillary did in Iowa, the Clinton machine would have had the press demanding that Obama drop out, right there on the spot.

    If Hillary keeps hanging on, I think she will be very much in danger of having her own “moment” — that of Gloria Swanson in “Sunset Boulevard.”

    Our young people are claiming the future for themselves. After growing up in the shadow of 9/11 and the blanket of fear that Bush spread over all of us, these kids are coming forward, unafraid, to give us some hope for the future of America.

    As someone who is a contemporary of Senator Obama, I couldn’t be happier to see what these young people are doing. What better way for all of us to head into the 2nd part of our lives than to entrust our futures to kids who are standing up against fear and rancor and who are inspired to see some real change. I couldn’t be prouder of these young people.

  6. Larry says:

    The good news just keeps on coming.

  7. Larry says:

    Check out this USA Today poll:

    Amid frenetic last-minute campaigning, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds the onetime front-runners in New Hampshire lagging as Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain have surged to leads before Tuesday’s primary.

    Obama vaulted to a 13 percentage-point advantage over New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton three weeks after they were tied here. McCain gained a four-point edge over Mitt Romney, a former governor of neighboring Massachusetts who has campaigned almost as a favorite son.

    The poll results spotlight the phenomenal rise of the 46-year-old senator from Illinois, who would be the first African-American nominated by a major party for president, and the 71-year-old senator from Arizona whose cash-short campaign was dismissed as all but over last summer.

    Poll Results:
    Obama: 41%
    Clinton: 28%

  8. Robert Rouse says:

    And the hits just keep on comin’! We’re playin’ stacks of wax and sending wattage to your cottage! Coming in at number 1 with a bullet, it’s “The Next President of the United States” by Barack and Roll!

  9. Christopher says:


    ROFL! Love it and yes, I think you’re right. Barack has this race sewn up. Hillary needs to pack her pansuits up and head home.

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