Which Candidate is Winning the Beer Vote?

Voters are supposed to select their presidential candidates based on their positions on such important issues of the day as, the environment, the Iraq war, LGBT rights and taxes. But, have the voters selected the next president of the United States based on who’d be more fun to drink a beer with?

If so, then Barack Obama is winning the beer vote with 13 percent vote over the next candidate.

Drinking a beer with someone means more than just quenching thirst. It means spending quality time with another person. Sitting down for a beer is a great way for people to get to know each other and share stories.

You can take the poll yourself at: whodoyouwanttohaveabeerwith.com

So far, the results are:

Barack Obama 27%
John Edwards 7%
Hillary Clinton 6%
Mike Gravel 1%
Dennis Kucinich 4%
Bill Richardson 5%
Rudy Guiliani 8%
Mike Huckabee 4%
Duncan Hunter 1%
John McCain 11%
Ron Paul 15%
Willard Romney 2%
Fred Thompson 8%

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13 Responses to Which Candidate is Winning the Beer Vote?

  1. feminazi says:

    I would love to sit down and have a glass of wine with Barack Obama and talk about issues and his family. He seems so informed and bright. Michelle could join us too. Something tells me she’s not a beer drinker, leaning more towards wine.

  2. TOM339 says:

    Great poll, Christopher!

    I would most definitely prefer a cold brewski with Barack than either Edwards or Hillary. No question about it.

  3. DMason says:

    It’s that old, intangible, electability factor that drives political scientists and campaign managers to distraction. You can’t create it. A man or woman either has it, or they don’t. I can’t imagine anymore unpleasant experience than having a beer with Hillary.

  4. Brigadoon says:

    Who the hell is Duncan Hunter? Never heard of him.

  5. Tengrain says:

    I would actually rather have a beer with any of my blogger friends. More informed, more passionate, and more likely to be interesting.

    But I know what you mean. Having a beer with Iceberg Lettuce? Not so much.



  6. nytexan says:

    Great poll. I am actually surprised that 6% would want to waste their time with Hillary.

    BTW: I have become very tired of everyone saying that Obama is too young, so I addressed it. It truly is a lie.

  7. This poll gives me more hope about November 4 – assuming the election hasn’t been postponed or canceled – than any other poll I’ve seen. Sad, but I’ll take my ‘yays’ where I can get them.

  8. dad2059 says:

    The guy has the class act down, no doubt.

    I’d drink a Corona or two with him to talk about UFOs. 😎

  9. joost says:

    I think if I were abandoning a sinking ship and there was only one lifeboat, I would try my hand at swimming versus getting in a lifeboat with Clinton.

    Sorry, but the woman makes me crawl.

  10. Rachel says:

    Honey, I’m a girl and I love to shop and I would prefer taking my gays to the Mall than I would taking Hillary Clinton. She’s a dullard.

  11. enigma4ever says:

    Honey…I would prefer a root canal ( without meds) to spending ANY time with “Hill”……

    okay the Beer poll:
    6-6 ( teenage son- who is not allowed to drink played this with me)
    His top choice : Obama
    2nd: Edwards
    3rd: Gravel_ because he would be “goofier”


    personallly I think Rudy and freddy seem like they alrready have a bit tied on…

  12. Winnie H. says:

    I think the only reason Thompson got 8% is because the respondents were hoping he would bring along his wife.

    Either that, or they got confused when they started thinking about “beer” and “jugs.” 😉

  13. Robert Rouse says:

    Oddly enough, Oven Mitt Romney is on the list now with 2%. Are there really that many idiots out there who think Romney would sit down and drink a beer with them when he won’t even touch iced tea or Coca-Cola because of the caffine?

    I’ll be so glad when we work our way back out of the rabbit hole.

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