Hillary Booed at Dem Dinner

If the N.H. Democratic Party’s 100 Club dinner is any bell weather, then Barack Obama will handily win here. When Obama, the dinner’s last speaker, took the stage the crowd surged forward chanting “O-bam-a” and “Fired Up, Ready to Go!” So many people pressed toward the stage that an announcer asked people to “please take their seats for safety concerns.”

By comparison Hillary was twice booed. The first time was when she said she has always and will continue to work for “change for you. The audience, particularly from Obama supporters (they were waving Obama signs) let out a noise that sounded like a thousand people collectively groaning. The second time came a few minutes later when Clinton said: “The there are two big questions for voters in New Hampshire. One is: who will be ready to lead from day one? The second,” and here Clinton was forced to pause as boos from the crowd mixed with cheers from her own supporters. “Is who can we nominate who will go the distance against the Republicans?”

The dinner held in the Hampshire Dome in Milford is the largest political dinner in New Hampshire history, Republican or Democrat. More than 3,000 people attended.

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4 Responses to Hillary Booed at Dem Dinner

  1. Larry says:

    If Hillary had mentioned her ongoing support for Bush’s war, they would have been a riot.

  2. feminazi says:

    Hillary’s problem (and she has many) is she refuses to apologize for voting for Bush’s war in Iraq. Her wishy-washy, “If I knew then what I know now” answer doesn’t placate her critics and it makes her sound like a typical politician.

  3. hillary is toast in NH — for many reasons (that is my post tomorrow)

    and my new friend you have to forgive me for my youthful mistakes in politics 8-(.

    they will never happen again.

  4. i am excited about NH , will be watching the debates today on abc. wow people, i feel cautiously optimistic. and its a good feeling. My older female buds well one at least is somehow still clinging to the shill, but i think that IF by some wonderful miracle if Obama can pull it off in NH and Edwards even do a second again. We could be looking at a team , that will begin the VERY SLOW process of getting the country back on track. Re build our public sector, re institute some integrity in our processes, that have become WAY too partisian.

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