Hillary Clueless in Iowa

Hillary Clinton keeps shifting Iowa campaign slogans in a desperate effort to find one that’s catchy. So far, all she’s managed to do is leave behind a debris field of themes adopted and abandoned.

The latest clunker, as she tours Iowa under the rubric, “Big Challenges, Real Solutions: Time to Pick a President,” is about as catchy as “Bring to Boil, Then Reduce, Cover and Simmer.” 

Here are several of Team Hillary’s recent tried, but failed campaign slogans:

“Renewing the Promise of America.”
“In to Win.”
“Working for Change, Working for You.”
“Turn Up the Heat, Turn America Around.”
 “Ready for Change, Ready to Lead”

Hillary would do much better with, “Yes, We Have No Bananas.”

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15 Responses to Hillary Clueless in Iowa

  1. taco says:

    Hillary would do much better with, ”Yes, We Have No Bananas.”

    How about, “I’m an angry bitch running for president to get back at all the men who done me and my husband wrong?”


  2. DCVET says:

    I saw Hillary’s Iowa TV ad on Keith’s progam last night.

    She’s still pushing the “dangerous world” meme that simply reinforces the perception that she’s Bush in a pantsuit.

    The world will become a whole lot less dangerous the minute George Bush is no longer in the White House stirring up divisions and shit with our global neighbors.

    I know Hillary thinks (or her handlers have convinced her) that using this “dangerous world” meme will make her appear strong but, it just reminds people of the past 7 years with Bushco in the Oval Office and Cheney plotting away to start a new war.

  3. Matteo says:

    Hillary’s campaign needs more than a catchy slogan. It needs a new candidate.

    Iowa First Step to Next President


    Voters in Iowa begin the process of choosing the next U.S. president on Thursday, and a new poll showed Barack Obama leading John Edwards in the Democratic nominating contest — with Hillary Clinton falling to a potentially disastrous third.

    The Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll also showed Republican Mike Huckabee expanding his lead on rival Mitt Romney as the most heavily contested presidential caucus in Iowa history draws to a close.

    The final Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby tracking poll before Iowa’s caucus on Thursday showed Obama surging to a four-point lead over Edwards at 31 percent to 27 percent. Clinton fell to third place at 24 percent.

  4. DMason says:

    I don’t know as much about politics as the rest of you but it looks to me like a third place showing for Hillary in Iowa means after all the years the American public has known her, going back to 1992 and Bill’s first year in the White House, the voters are rejecting her. Shouldn’t it be the other way round?

  5. Rachel says:

    I think you hit the nail on the head, David. Hillary isn’t as adored as her handlers want us to think. In fact, based on what I hear from my co-workers and my family (all of them Dems), they can’t stand her.

  6. TOM339 says:

    I can’t stand hearing Hillary’s voice.

    Yesterday she was on TV and she was shrieking and braying and her voice sounded like fingernails going down a blackboard.

    Her voice is so awful, so ugly, that her message gets lost as I am forced to put my hands over my ears to block out the sound. I understand why Bill cheated on her. His nerves were shot after listening to that voice for 30 years.

  7. Winnie H. says:

    Her most pathetic move to date was last night’s copying of Obama’s slogan…”Fired up and Ready to go.” I knew when I heard her repeat that verbatim that she had reached her all-time low in being just plain desperate and pathetic.

    She’s already starting to spin the results to make it look like 3rd place is actually a win for her. I don’t think she’s fooling anyone anymore.

    Tonight it’s going to be a contest of the people vs. the political machine. I hope the people will prevail.

  8. Larry says:

    She should have the slogan “I’m a Bush Babe.”

  9. joost says:

    Tom is correct.

    HRC has never had pleasant oratory skills. She descends into speechifying and has that curiously flat, midwestern voice that sounds like an angry school teacher (apologies to the midwest and school teachers.)

    But HRC’s problems go beyond her voice.

    She’s perceived as part of the past and the nation desperately want to take a step forward. We want a new direction and when you’re viewed as a fossil, how can you take us forward?

  10. Brigadoon says:

    If I hear one of Hill’s operatives repeat the lie that she has “35 years experience working for Americans,” I’m going to puke on my keyboard. Seven years, maybe. But not 35 years.

  11. Jim says:

    Enough already. People are embracing change, and true change will happen with Obama, not another Bush or Clinton.

  12. maybe Hillary should use the slogan generator that is makin the rounds on the tubes….

    i am going to a nice sushi dinner so i dont have to watch all this shit til later

  13. mary ellen says:

    Maybe Hillary should be truthful in her advertising. “I’m a Bush with a bush.”

  14. stradella says:

    I just can’t wrap my arms around Hillary Clinton.

    Many of my friends think I’m too hard on her and tell me I should embrace her. But this sistah to sistah shit just doesn’t resonate for me.

    Now, Obama, I adore!

  15. Dusty says:

    I resent sHillary’s political positions that she stands for..which are right of the center. I do not begrudge her views..I just figure she belongs on the right side of the aisle..certainly not the left or even moderate/centrist.

    Tonight she was gracious in congratulating Obama and Edwards..unlike Edwards who congratulated no one, but gave another on the stump speech.

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