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14 Responses to Asshole

  1. Randy Arroyo says:

    ROFL! Dude, where do you find them? This is scary brazilliant. 300 more days of this asshole and the nightmare is over.

  2. feminazi says:

    The EU was onto Bush long before the American public comprehended they were dealing with a warmonger and sociopath. Of course, europeans know firsthand what a meglomanicial leader is capable of doing to a nation and a continent if left untamed. The US, still a young nation by contrast, had to learn the hard way. Love this poster, BTW.

  3. Woodcliffe says:

    With a scant 300 days until the election, it isn’t too soon to begin celebrating the fact that we survived the worst president in history.

    But cleaning up the mess Bush and Cheney will leave behind is no small task and I don’t envy either candidate the job that awaits them.

    BTW, oil topped $100 a barrel. I guess Cheney’s energy plan was a success after all.

  4. Harry says:

    ROFLMAO! Good one.

  5. taco says:

    …europeans know firsthand what a meglomanicial leader is capable of doing to a nation and a continent if left untamed.

    Princess Pelosi had a chance to tame Bush by ordering the Articles of Impeachment.

    Too bad she and Reid are on the payroll and refused to step-up and follow the Constitution.

  6. DCVET says:

    This may very well be the best political poster I’ve ever seen.

    A perfect 10!

  7. Rachel says:

    George Bush as the American Hitler? I like it!

  8. Larry says:

    Which one is worse?

  9. Dee says:

    For one thing Mr/Ms Woodcliff, the reason you survived was because of Bush. Just ask any enemy of the USA who they would want to be prez and their answer will surely be a liberal like you! Sorry, but I don’t buy into the far left lib out of sight immorality that you folks peddle. God help us if Obama or Shrillary take charge. You would compare Hitler to Bush, and I compare the leftists libs to Demons. And……the poster is a farce!

  10. Dee says:

    Oh…..and one more thing…………….Bush is surely the greatest President since Ronald R., maybe since FDR. I love the Guy! Just think……………President Huckabee……….. Get used to again for 8 more years!

  11. karlstad igår says:

    love it!

  12. feminazi says:

    Dee – Are you the same Dee who used to show up here last summer drunk? If so, please depart and take your Bush-loving opinions elsewhere. I had and I have no tolerance for your stupidity.

  13. Rich says:

    When people give their opinions why do they hide by not using their real name. Maybe like most liberals they don’t and won’t take responsibility for what flows out of their face. Blame Bush for what you and your friends are doing your selves. Everything you complain about. You all are doing full throttle. Wow what a concept. Hurts don’t it!

  14. Christopher says:


    Who or whom are you referring to?

    Christopher is my name. In fact, my father gave it to me. I’ve had it for 39 years.

    Here’s a concept for you: President-elect Barack Obama. Better start practicing it.

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