Take Your Tongue Out of Bernie’s Ear, Rudy


Republican fuck buddies, I mean fucktards, Rudy Guiliani and Bernie Kerik, are seen here in a tender moment.

But the rightwing shit really hit the fan after Judith Regan, the former book publisher, filed a lawsuit filed Tuesday over her dismissal by FOX Noise’s parent company, News Corporation, that alleges a senior executive there encouraged her to lie to Federal investigators about her past affair with Kerik after he had been recommened by Guiliani to become Homeland Security Secretary in late 2004.

The lawsuit asserts that the unnamed News Corporation executive wanted to protect the presidential aspirations of Rudy Guiliani, Mr. Kerik’s mentor, who had appointed him New York City police commissioner and had recommended him for the Federal post.

Kerik has since been charged with 16 counts of mail and tax fraud, corruption and lying on forms submitted to be Homeland Security Secretary, accepting more than $250,000 in free apartment renovations from a company with alleged ties to organized crime, and using a downtown Manhattan apartment intended for use by 9/11 rescue workers for sexual trysts with female bimbos.

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11 Responses to Take Your Tongue Out of Bernie’s Ear, Rudy

  1. dad2059 says:

    The Ru-dee and Burn-ee Show! LOL!

    I wonder which one wears the leather and spike heels?

    Or the silkies and garters?

  2. Rocco says:

    Wave, buh bye Rudy. Buh bye. Your presidential hopes and dreams are as dead as your eyes. These Republicans are so damned stupid to think they can operate like some B-player from the Sopranos and no one will notice.

  3. feminazi says:

    As everyone knows, I’m no fan of Rudy Guiliani. He’s a common adulterer and he’s estranged from his children — who want nothing to do with their father. A telling sign in my opinion. But as they say, nature abhors a vacuum and with Rudy tanking in the polls in Iowa, an even worse GOPer is rising to the top: Mike Huckabee. Huckabee wants women barefoot and pregnant and gays in prison.

  4. Harry says:

    All of the GOP field is like Nightmare on Elm Street. From Rudy, to Romney, Huckabee and McCain. They’re scary SOBs.

  5. Jenna Bush Stole My ID says:

    Thank you for posting this. I admit falling under the media’s spell about Rudy being “America’s Mayor.” I snapped out of this when I learned about his mafia connections and funneling monies to his presidential campaign. Guiliani doesn’t belong in the White — he belongs in the Big House.

  6. Rachel says:

    ROFLMAO! Oh, Christopher, but you do have a way with words. Judith Regan is one smart jew and her tapes sound to be the stuff a Grand Jury can move to use to indict. There is no way on this earth that Rudy can make this swill roll off his back without it tainting him. He’s not that bright.

  7. Etobicoke20221 says:

    Murdoch’s empire received a number of sweet tax breaks and other government handouts from Giuliani while he was NYC mayor.

    Even though Murdoch, Ailes and Rudy aren’t even ideological soul brothers, as much as they are business partners.

    Judith Regan is the classic scorned woman who is still angry with News Corp. axing her Sunday night interview program and replacing it with that twit, Ollie North’s war stories program that even fewer people watch.

    If the reports are true and Regan has a tape recording of a chief executive at New Corp. telling her to lie to the Feds, expect to see the FCC be forced to follow the law for once and pull Fox’s license to operate as a new organization.

    Instead of making up the news, New Corp. will be the news.

  8. Larry says:

    Be aware of the scorn of a scarlet woman who has been wronged by the ultra elite.

  9. Jump says:

    I had totally missed this story. My God. Ewwww.

  10. FranIAm says:

    I always love that picture, but it is made better paired with your great post!

    I think Rudy is hard in that shot, I really do. And of course Bernie too.

  11. Whatever says:

    Sounds like the Clintons.

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