Cheney’s Sadistic Passion for Shooting Tame Animals

Dick Cheney just spent a day shooting up pen-raised birds. Some hunters liken the sport — killing tame animals that offer no resistance, to having sex with a blow-up doll.

While most people are lamenting the violence in Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan and Iraq, apparently it’s not enough bloodshed for Vice President Dick Cheney.

Last month in a caravan of 15 sport utility vehicles and an ambulance — no jokes, please — Cheney made his way to Clove Valley Rod & Gun Club, about 70 miles north of New York City, near Poughkeepsie, for a day of controlled bloodletting.

Birds raised for canned hunts at gun clubs and in state “recreational” areas are grown in packed pens — think factory farmed chickens, and fitted with goggles so they won’t peck each other to death from the crowding.

When released for put and take hunters like Cheney, pen raised birds can barely walk or fly or see, thanks to the goggles. They don’t know how to forage or hide in the wild and sometimes have to be kicked to “fly” enough to be shot.

Sociopaths Jeffrey Dahmer and Richard Speck were both big on animal cruelty. And they weren’t running foreign policy.

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13 Responses to Cheney’s Sadistic Passion for Shooting Tame Animals

  1. Larry says:

    Cheney lives out his sadistic desire to destroy people through the bombs levied at innocent people in Iraq.

  2. dad2059 says:

    I shouldn’t even comment on this because as someone who grew up having to hunt wild game in order to feed the family, wimp sociopaths like Cheneyburton killing tame pets just anger me all the more.

    And I’m toning it down.

  3. Rocco says:

    I think there should be a canned hunt facility somewhere in say, northern California or Montana, filled with wealthy, overfed Republican thugs like Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Richard Armitage, Karl Rove and Roger Ailes.

    Participants pay a steep fee of say, $10,000 to shoot GOP game and the money collected goes to retire the $9 trillion nation debt Bush created from his tax cuts and warss.

  4. fairlane says:

    You can’t even say what you want or you’ll get locked up.

    Fucking hell man.

  5. I’m surprised that they haven’t started covertly filtering the excess prison population to some shoot-em-up ranch of Cheney’s. Killing caged birds can only satisfy the bloodlust so much.

  6. Jenna Bush Stole My ID says:

    I think Rocco is on to something. A Republican canned hunt where the victims are old, corrupt GOPers like Cheney and Rummy the Dummy. I could be convinced to attend such an event.

  7. This is a true perversion and the balance of humans and animals. My best friend who works in a mill in Maine , eats deer meat to survive , friends who hunt to feed their families NOW, today because the prices of food and heat are so high there. AS it stands now just to keep her home from being destroyed by frozen pipes – a modest home too, she may end up owing the Oil company over 2 grand at 18% interest by the end of the season. She is there to be close to her family. No stranger to a hard scrabble saddens me she will spend so much and never even really feel physically warm. And she probably at her wages which are very low take home after insurance and 401k deductions probably put her making a dime to much for Liheap. And Liheap even if she did qualify would buy one tank of oil ! one. its a long winter in Maine. While that is some help – There needs to be more of a safety net and price controls from the feds. Often her fridge is bare ! And this is a person who works and works hard. As hard as her body will allow. She is middle aged and thankful to have insurance, works graveyard , to make the extra dollar. This mill , which is over 100 yrs , like others in Maine, had to shut down its..wood product division and jobs there because imported wood from China was cheaper….this is so NOT COOL.

  8. Jump says:

    He has unquenchable blood lust. It’s not about eating the game; it’s about killing tame live things in a giant rush of pleasure.

    I wrote a nice haiku about this but can’t find it.

  9. like fairlane i cannot write what i am thinking

    canned hunting is one of the most vile of human activities

  10. Harry says:

    Why are so many people afraid to speak their mind? Have you forgotten the First Amendment?

  11. FranIAm says:

    What Dcap and Fairlane said.


    The words “caged sex slaves” also cross my mind.

    Eew and ick.

    And they pick on gay folks, wow. Hyp-f*cking-pocrisy!

  12. Foxy Lady says:

    I think that anyone who “kills for fun” definitely has something twisted in the brain.

    With all the past media attention on Cheney shooting Harry Whittington, no reporter has mentioned that Cheney should not have been out killing in the first place. There are far more productive ways to spend spare time. Personally, I think that hunters are wildlife terrorists. And, I hope that Whittington now understands how birds, etc. feel when they are shot in a sick person’s attempt to have some fun. Maybe Cheney will get to shoot another human soon.

  13. jean public says:

    cheney is sick. he needs impeachment. this kind of activity shows the depravity present in someof our elected leaders.

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