Vote Expected Today On Federal Hate Crime Bill

The US Senate is expected to vote today on legislation that would add sexuality to list of categories included under Federal hate crime law.

The House passed a similar bill in May, despite a White House threat that if the measure passed both houses the president would veto it.

In a bid to pressure President Bush, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) the key sponsor in the Senate has tacked the hate crime bill onto a Defense spending bill as an amendment.

Because of procedural wrangling Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will have to muster 60 votes for cloture, the process of forcing a vote on the hate crime amendment. Thursday night it was unclear if he had the necessary votes.

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4 Responses to Vote Expected Today On Federal Hate Crime Bill

  1. feminazi says:

    I don’t see any of the Republicans supporting this measure. These are very bad people who lack even basic decency and fairness. I would like to see them look Judy Sheppard in the face and explain to her how they can vote against it.

  2. Brigadoon says:

    I’m not holding my breath. To Republicans, gays are the lowliest of the low and deserve to be bashed and murdered.

  3. Harry says:

    If this passes I promise not to bash Bush for a month. But I’m not holding my breath either.

  4. Elizabeth Schmitz says:

    from Schmitz Blitz:

    Senator Craig has apparently voted against the Kennedy hate crimes amendment, which would add gays to the federal hate crime statute.

    If he voted against gays, he can’t possibly be gay, right?

    Let’s see if the court reviewing his bathroom sex sting case buys it.

    UPDATE: the hate crimes measure passed the Senate this morning by a vote of 60-39.

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