Sen. John Kerry Can’t Handle the Truth

Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) doesn’t like the truth.

Just ask 21 year old Andrew Meyer. Meyer is a student at the University of Florida and dared to violate Kerry’s comfort zone by trying to ask him a series of questions about his failed 2004 presidential campaign, his membership in the secret society called Skull and Bones, and the impeachment of his cousin, President George Bush.

When reminded that he was only supposed to ask one question, Meyer responded that Kerry had “talked for two hours. I think I can have two minutes.” Before Kerry could respond, members of the student group sponsoring the event summoned UF police to escort Meyer out.

When officers tried escorting him, he resisted, and officers only partially got handcuffs on him, according to police.

By then, officers had moved Meyer to the back of the auditorium, where he was held on the floor and police used a taser stun gun on him. On this video, Meyer can be heard screaming.

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10 Responses to Sen. John Kerry Can’t Handle the Truth

  1. Richie says:

    So typical of these people. They always submit a list of off-topic questions in advance to whatever group is hosting them. If an audience members asks a question that isn’t approved in advance, the miscreant is either shouted down or removed. It’s an old Soviet tactic from the 1960’s. Kerry is such a pig. I’ll never forgive and forget him conceding Ohio 18 hours after the polls closed.

  2. feminazi says:

    I attended a Lieberman Q&A and saw the same thing happen to anyone who asked him about his support of the Iraq war. People were removed or shouted down by plants.

  3. dad2059 says:

    Old U.S.S.R. = 2007 American Federal Empire(TM)

  4. And the dems are better than Repugs ..why ? see there is only one real party now the business party. A marriage of state and corporations..a k a ….(fill in the blank) and remember the words of Stalin ..its not who votes who has the power, its those who count the votes. I too will never forgive Kerry for not counting..and oh by the way…guess who spent the most money and effort to get the votes counted…it was the Greens. smoke on that. ponder that, ..I do.

  5. Woodcliffe says:

    Kerry is claiming to be deaf, dumb and blind on what happened to the UF student.

    Funny thing, it was only the student who asked about Skull and Bones and impeaching Bush who got worked over by the jackbooted thugs with the firearms.

  6. dave128 says:

    Disgusting. They should hang their heads in shame. What absolute cowards.

  7. RAnthony80 says:

    While an Impeachment would almost guarantee a Republican Victory in 2008. You still don’t have a crime that Bush did to impeach him on.

  8. RAnthony80 says:

    Now here I am defending Kerry.. I am Just to both sides. Kerry Said he was willing to answer his question. And told the police that their actions were not needed.. Kerry didn’t learn of the tasar till he had left the building. But, on the other hand.. the guys was just nuts…

  9. DCVET says:

    Kerry could’ve defused the situation by stepping off the stage and into the audience to speak directly to the student.

    But he chose to remain in his comfort zone and on the stage.

    Maybe he was afraid to answer questions about his membership in skull and bones? Or, why he’s opposed to impeaching his cousin, President George Bush? Or, maybe Kerry is the coward people say he is?

  10. Tom Harper says:

    I posted about this too. What courage it must have taken for four cops to electrocute one person who was “resisting arrest.”

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