Al Gore Now Has an Emmy and an Oscar

Former Vice President Al Gore took home an Emmy Sunday night for creative achievement in interactive television for Current TV, his youth-oriented television channel.

Gore said as he accepted the award:

“We are trying to open up the television medium so that viewers can help them make television and join the conversation of democracy and reclaim American democracy by talking about the choices we have to make.”

Gore also received an Oscar for his global-warming documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” Not bad for a man who won the popular election for president in 2000, only to have it stolen from him by five banana republicans in black robes on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Congratulations, Mr. Gore!

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12 Responses to Al Gore Now Has an Emmy and an Oscar

  1. Harry says:

    Next stop is the Nobel prize, hopefully followed by an announcement he’s entering the 2008 race for president.

  2. Rachel says:

    Good for him! I’m with Harry. Now, can the Goreacle say something about the 2008 race for the White House and give us relief from all this waiting?

  3. Sandy A. says:

    I’m not writing a single check to any Democrat until we hear from Gore.

  4. joost says:

    I hear ya,’ Sandy.

    The next significant date is October 12th – this is when Gore is expected to pickup his Nobel Peace Prize. If he wins (like there’s any doubt?), imagine how great will be to have a candidate with an Oscar, Emmy, and Nobel?

    What a stark contrast to George Bush. His only claim to fame is being born with a silver coke spoon up his nose and the title of Worst President Ever attached to him.

  5. Phat, Forty & Fucked says:

    As much as we all dream of a Gore presidency, I just don’t see any indication of it happening. Mr. Gore is so smart and so effective at policy, why would he want to reenter the cesspool of national politics after what he and his family had to suffer in 2000?

    Best leave it to the neophytes like Hillary and Barack.

  6. DMason says:

    Phat, Forty & Fucked – love your handle! ROFL!

  7. dad2059 says:

    The Gore-acle is way too smart to do the Trilateral Commission dance anymore, been there, done that.

    He enjoys the attention he gets now, plus he gets to do the elder statesman gig. No fuss, no muss.

  8. Larry says:

    Too bad he wasn’t accepting the ultimate prize. Too bad for America.

  9. RAnthony80 says:

    Talk about having to make up an award to get someone nominated.

    I have seen Current TV. Its on a High School TV station level. Their target market is young uneducated or radical youth. Adults are too smart to fall for the BS on that station. I was just watching the Anti War Rally. last week. They said they Had Thousands..but I kept seeing the same 10 people in every camera shot.
    It was a bias lie to get their point across.. Not to report a story that they threw a party and nobody came. Face it..The Anti war movement is dead.

    The war is Won…and dems hate it.. Its not even going to be an issue in 2008. Rove was right.

  10. RAnthony80 says:

    And we grew 100,000 sq miles of artic ice last winter. Kind of blows al gores global melting out of the water. The northern passage opened up due to a wind change. Not melting.

    “but changing winds that have transported fairly thick ice out of the Arctic Ocean into the North Atlantic, and decreased the length of time that ice is “sequestered” in the Arctic Ocean where it might have a chance to grow thicker.”
    There is most of your global warming.. a wind change.

  11. Randy Arroyo says:

    RAnthony, what the hell are you babbling on about? Haven’t you read the news reports that the dreams of the Northwest Arctic Passage is going to become a reality? Within a decade, ships will be able to sail from the Pacific to the Atlantic because the ice shelf is melting so quickly. Do try to keep up, will you?

  12. dad2059 says:

    RAnthony80 = chickenshit hawk and neocon-munist troll

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