Pelosi Blocking Impeachment is Killing the Democratic Party


It’s not just the Constitution that’s suffering because of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s nutty and unprincipled “impeachment is off the table” position blocking any effort to impeach President Bush or Vice President Cheney for their many crimes and abuses of power.

Her position on impeachment is killing the Democratic Party too, by driving away not just progressived members of the party, but independents who voted for Democrats last November expecting some action in defense of the Constitution.

I see this anger welling up among progressives and independents everywhere I travel, as people say they’ve simply had it with the Democrats. The support of the party for a bill continuing funding for the war through September was terrible. The Democrats’ rush to pass a bill granting Bush the authority to spy without a warrant on Americans, and to expand the power to spy domestically well beyond phones and internet to even include break-ins was a last straw.

My own little call for people so sign an “I Quit This Party” petition has seen a jump from 300 to now 400 signers. (Sign up on the column to the right.) When it gets to 500 I’ll be sending the list off to Pelosi, as well as to the offices of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean.

Either Nancy Pelosi, who is facing an election challenge by Cindy Sheehan in her own San Francisco district, had better do an about face and open the path to impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Otherwise, she and her fellow party leaders are going to find themselves either ousted in primaries, or back in the position of minority “leaders” in 2009.

This entry was posted in Barack Obama, Bush, Cheney, Democrats, HIV/AIDS, Impeachment, Independents, Nancy Pelosi, News, Religious Nutcases. Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Pelosi Blocking Impeachment is Killing the Democratic Party

  1. kayinmaine says:

    Good morning Christopher! I think impeachment at this time will not happen, unless something major happens (like Dick Cheney or George Bush kill a child live on our televisions). Working to get more progressives into office for 2008 seems like a better alternative. No?

    One route we can take is to write our state’s Attorney Generals ( to force impeachment, but that may not work either. It’s frustrating and I don’t know one American who doesn’t want these assholes thrown out of office, but we have to face reality sometimes. It’s a cruel reality, but that is how it is.


  2. Larry says:

    Notice how quiet Pelosi has been since they funded the war and people became outraged at her.

    Pelosi obviously thinks she can lay in the weeds of Republican life, and people will forget her betrayal.

  3. Christopher says:

    Pelosi will be gone as House Speaker in November 2008.

    She is viewed giving Bush a “Get Out of Jail Free” card and failing to end the funding for the Iraq war.

    To the activist wing of the Democratic party, Pelosi is hugely unpopular.

  4. Larry says:

    Phony Pelosi is basking in the limelight of her own arrogance, to the exent that she refuses to do the job she was installed to do.

    Perhaps oil revenues she now slyly shares with the Bush regime, have blinded her plastic heart.

  5. Larry says:


    Lydia Cornell nominated you for several categories of the World Blog Awards on Robert’s site at Left of Centrist. Check it out. Voting is going on.

  6. phil_in_ny says:

    Although I agree that Polosi is out of line, I feel that leaving the Democratic party is not an option for me. Someone somewhere has got to stay and fight.

    That’s just like gay men and women moving to Canada because they’re affraid of the way gay rights issues are going to turn out. If everyone leaves, we’ll never get anywhere. We can’t keep running from our problems.

    If anything, that’s even more of a reason to stay. Meanwhile the Republicans jump for joy that they’re “running the Liberals” out of the Democratic party.

  7. Pingback: University Update - Daniel Radcliffe - Pelosi Blocking Impeachment is Killing the Democratic Party

  8. fairlane says:


    You’re correct, it certainly is a double edged sword.

    But I maintain that the parties need to pay for what they have Both done, and continue to do.

    The best message, in my opinion, is if Americans got off their lazy asses and voted for a Third Party candidate.

    Such a message would send a shockwave through the joke we call the “Two Party System.”

  9. Christopher says:


    Wow! If you talk to Lydia, tell her thanks a million!

  10. Larry says:


    I will tell Lydia. She is working on her book and isn’t online much, but she likes your blog and she likes your comments on hers.

  11. Christopher says:


    Well, this was wonderful to come home from work to see! People are good.

  12. TOM339 says:

    Pelosi has chosen to go down a very narrow path with regard to not angering the electorate by trying to impeach Bush and Cheney, and by doing so, currying favor (and votes) in 2008.

    The problem is, the opinion polls suggest the public sees this tactic as a sign of weakness and a lack of leadership.

    Expectations including ending the Iraq war and possibly impeaching a lawless executive branch. Neither has come to fruition. Voters can be fickle and they could decide to punish the Democrats for Pelosi.

  13. DMason says:

    I disagree. If Hillary is elected president, Pelosi, in her delusional world view, will see the election as vindication for not impeaching Bush. She will be the victor by extension.

  14. Randy Arroyo says:

    Tom hit the nail on the head. This approach may very well backfire. The voters elected the Dems to take care of business and this means more than getting a Dem elected president.

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