Congress Should Impeach Alberto Gonzales

NYT’s Editorial

Americans have been waiting months for Mr. Bush to fire Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who long ago proved that he was incompetent and more recently has proved that he can’t tell the truth. Mr. Bush refused to fire him after it was clear Mr. Gonzales lied about his role in the political purge of nine federal prosecutors.

Democratic lawmakers are asking for a special prosecutor to look into Mr. Gonzales’s words and deeds. Solicitor General Paul Clement has a last chance to show that the Justice Department is still minimally functional by fulfilling that request.

If that does not happen, Congress should impeach Mr. Gonzales.

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5 Responses to Congress Should Impeach Alberto Gonzales

  1. Lawrence says:

    The Judiciary Committee keeps playing ball with Abu, giving him more and more time to “correct” his testimony before they take action.

    I have the impression the Judiciary Committee is all bark and no bite. Abu is demonstrated liar, If he was on a witness stand under cross-examination, the case would be lost by now and he would be found guilty.

    The NYTs is correct. The time has arrived for the Congress to grow a spine and impeach him. Just don’t tell Nancy Pelosi who is terrified to impeach anyone in this administration.

  2. mbmdl says:

    Schumer seems committed to holding Gonzales accountable for lying to the Congress. Leahy to a lesser extent. Feinstein and Specter are status quo, don’t rock the boat-style senators. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard much from Feingold. I expected more from him. So, if Congress acts to impeach Gonzales, my guess is it’s Schumer who will act.

  3. TOM339 says:

    Never has the expression, “It will take an act of Congress,” been more apt.

    Now, let’s wait and see how much fortitude the Senate Judiciary has to recommend impeaching Gonzo. My gut tells me we shouldn’t hold our collective breath. I hope I’m wrong.

  4. Kipper says:

    Gonzo should’ve never been confirmed in the first place. Had the senate been capable of standing up to Bush and reject his nominee, we wouldn’t find ourselves in the current mess at the DoJ. Maybe next time the senate will grow a spine and do their job and not rubberstamp everything Bush wants?

  5. Sandy A. says:

    It’s refreshing to see the Times find their conscience again.

    Particularly, following the dark days of Jason Blair and Judith Miller.

    But it probably too late for them. The dead tree media is so, oh, how do I say it? So, twentieth century and somehow, papers like the New York Times seem terribly provincial now.

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