Senate Democrats Call for Perjury Probe of Gonzales

Four Senate Democrats today formally asked the Justice Department to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate whether Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales lied to Congress in his testimony about a domestic surveillance program for terrorists.

At the same time, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, issued subpoenas to White House adviser Karl Rove and one of his deputies, demanding their testimony by Aug. 2 in the panel’s long-running investigation into the firing of nine U.S. attorneys and the alleged politicization of the Justice Department.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), a senior committee member, accused Gonzales of taking an oath, both when he assumed his current office and before each of his congressional appearances, that he has now broken through deliberately misleading testimony.

“He tells the half-truth, the partial truth and anything but the truth,” Schumer said in announcing the request, made to Solicitor General Paul D. Clement, who is acting attorney general in all matters related to the congressional investigations of Gonzales.

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4 Responses to Senate Democrats Call for Perjury Probe of Gonzales

  1. TOM339 says:

    Alberto “the Geneva Convention is quaint” Gonzales is as crooked as any mob lawyer employed by the Gambino family. But then again, there’s no difference between the Gambino and Bush families.

    I expect this effort on the part of the senate will ultimately end up with the Supremes and Bush has managed to stack the High Court with sympathetic ideologues who will likely rule in his favor.

    But Kudos to the senate for their effort.

  2. Pingback: University Update - White House - Senate Democrats Call for Perjury Probe of Gonzales (ArticleID_pk=4136627)

  3. nytexan says:

    Gonzo the U.S. citizen’s enemy combatant maybe they can send him to Gitmo. Try a little water boarding, flush his Bush family bible down the toilet.

    I’m please the senate is doing something.

  4. taco says:

    Looks like the Democrats are trying to bring this thug to justice.

    I hope they’re successful. But know this: Bush will go to the map to protect Abu. He’s as important to his team as Rove, plus Abu knows where all the dead bodies are buried.

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