
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office is taking calls to Impeachment both Bush and Cheney.

Call her office at (202) 225-0100.

Tell Pelosi, “I support the Impeachment of George Bush and Dick Cheney based on _______.” Fill in the blank. Here are a few suggestions:

1. lying the country into a war
2. domestic wiretaping
3. Katrina
4. politicizing the Dept. of Justice
5. commuting Scooter Libby’s prison sentence
6. outing a CIA undercover agent

Be polite, but firm and tell Pelosi that Impeachment belongs back on the table.

This entry was posted in Bush, Cheney, HIV/AIDS, Impeachment, Independents, Nancy Pelosi, Religious Nutcases. Bookmark the permalink.

18 Responses to IMPEACH

  1. DCVET says:

    This is what I love about you, Christopher. You are an impassioned activist and you’re fearless.

    BTW, I made the call. My wife made the call too.

  2. Harry says:

    Done. I got her voicemail but I left a message.

  3. Matteo says:

    What is the basis for impeachment comes from the US Constitution. Article II, Sec. 4 states that:

    “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

    Seems simple to me. You lie about the risk posed by another country in order to start a war and you’ve met the burden of proof of “high Crimes and Midemeanors.”

    And that’s precisely what I told Pelosi’s office.

  4. bliss says:

    Her line was busy on the first 3 tries but I got through to her phone mail on the 4th. I mentioned impeachment based on the faux intel used to go to war.

    It felt good to make my voice heard. Imagine what we could do if 100,000 Americans called Pelosi’s office and told her we favor impeachment? Now that would be a grassroots movement!

  5. ChiTOM says:

    A call to activism requires overcoming the fear that if the U.S. House of Representatives attempts to impeach the Bush and Cheney, it will result in a wave of anger and the voters will turn to the Republican candidate for president in 2008.

    By now, even Americans who voted for this administration back in 2000 and 2004, have realized the extent of terrible crimes against our country, Iraq, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

    I passionately believe in impeachment.

    Even if you count yourself in the 28% of Americans who still support this administration, it must bother you to see the institutionalization of torture in remote locations in eastern Europe and at GITMO? This is not and has never been, the American way. Rejecting this behavior is what once made this nation great.

    We need to create the wave of unified support behind the principles of impeachment which will give courage to those in Congress who are fearful of the process.

    Perhaps I am naive but I think and I believe, if the American people see the type of leadership required to impeach this administration, they will fall in-line behind Speaker Pelosi. Americans know this administration has hijacked the very ideals which this nation stood upon for more than 200 years.

    Call or email your congressional representative and voice your support to impeach. It is as American as apple pie and your birth right.

  6. Woodcliffe says:

    Damn you guys! I was having a relaxed and peaceful Friday and now I’m angry again and making long distance calls to Washington.

    Death by a thousand knives is too easy a punishment for this administration.

  7. Lil' Mama says:

    Thomas, you rascal, that is a beautiful post and I love you for it. I hate to be Debbie Downer but I just don’t think it will sink into dear Nancy’s head. She’s focused on winning in 2008 and nothing is going to sidetrack her.

  8. Pingback: University Update - Nancy Pelosi - IMPEACH

  9. Matteo says:

    House Speaker Pelosi might want to sit up and pay attention to this. It might not be a “wave” yet, but more Americans now favor impeachment than oppose.

    Here’s the American Research Group’s findings:

    1. Do you favor or oppose the US House of Representatives beginning impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush?

    46% Favor
    44% Oppose

    2. Do you favor or oppose the US House of Representatives beginning impeachment proceedings against Vice President Dick Cheney?

    Favor 54%
    Oppose 40%

  10. mirth says:

    I made the call. I have to admit that I think it’s an exercise in futility and that those who are pulling Bush’s strings are also making Nancy dance. But we have to keep trying, don’t we?

  11. obeo says:

    I called and I got voice mail.

    I left a few words and suggested if the Speaker wants to reverse the downward approval numbers for the Congress, she might want to listen to the half of the country desperate to see Bush and Cheney forever tied to impeachment.

    Just as the Republicans tied impeachment to Clinton.

  12. Brigadoon says:

    Fucking-A, you bet I called Pelosi-tard’s office and gave her a piece of my mind. For whatever it’s worth, I also passed her number around to people in my office for them to call. There is only one solution to the current mess overtaking this nation and it’s impeachment. Pelosi-tard is either onboard or she will be thrown overboard. The choice is hers.

  13. Suzie-Q says:

    I called too..

    We must demand Impeachment of Cheney and Bush! This is the only way to take back our country and get rid of the NeoCons in power!

  14. California Dreamin' says:

    I keep getting mailers from the DCCC asking me for a donation.

    Everytime I do the same thing. I write across the letter page, “END THE FUNDING FOR THE IRAQ WAR” and “IMPEACH CHENEY AND BUSH” followed by, “THEN, I WILL MAKE A DONATION,” in black marker pen and mail it back to them.

    By now, you might think they would get the message. Maybe they’re are lame as so many disenfranchised Democratics say.

  15. joost says:

    It would take just 218 House votes to impeach; the Democrats have 231.

    Let me repeat.

    It would take just 218 House votes to impeach; the Democrats have 231.

    Whether or not the Senate upheld the House vote or not is irrelevent. Bush and Cheney would forever into history be tied to impeachment.

    Just as the GOP House hung it around Clinton’s neck.

    They could impeach Bush tomorrow, without a single Republican vote.

    Apparently, neither Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi ever saw the bumpersticker that says “No Fear.”

  16. Christopher says:


    Thanks for the reminder.

    Dems forget they are now in the majority and their old way of framing the debate after being out of power for 12 years, sneaks back in.

  17. feminazi says:

    I got voicemail too. But I left a calm, even message listing all the reasons listed above. I don’t think this Speaker will try to impeach Bush. Not with an election looming and the Democrats poised to take the presidency. But I have always wondered. Does impeachment end when a presidency ends? Why couldn’t the House impeach Bush after he’s out of office? The referral to the Senate would still go into the record.

  18. TomCat says:

    I called yesterday.

    Today I posted poll results that show that the majority of VOTERS and the overwhelming majority of Democrats and Independents favor impeachment.

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