Happy Fourth of July!


“For you, Mr. Bush, and for Mr. Cheney, there is a lesser task. You need merely achieve a very low threshold indeed. Display just that iota of patriotism which Richard Nixon showed, on August 9th, 1974. Resign. And give us someone–anyone–about whom all of us might yet be able to quote John Wayne, and say, “I didn’t vote for him, but he’s my president, and I hope he does a good job.”” – Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC

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10 Responses to Happy Fourth of July!

  1. Uber Highwayman says:

    Happy Fourth, you Yanks!


  2. bloggernista says:

    Even in these political times, with our current leadership, I remain hopeful for what we can make of the American experiment. We have much work to do as have past generations to lessen the gap between the democratic ideals written in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and the current reality of the United States. It is a challenge that it is our moral duty to take up.

  3. DCVET says:

    Happy Independence Day to everyone here.

    I am taken aback by Mr. Olbermann’s words — he’s a brilliant journalist and has his finger on the pulse of the progressive left.

    All we can hope for now is a forced resignation of the Bush/Cheney hydra. The US House under Madame Nancy lacks the leadership to even try to impeach them. We were duped last November into thinking things would change. Instead what we have is a whole lot of status quo cowardice.

  4. zippy says:

    As long as AIPAC adores Cheney and Bush, no one should expect the Congress will consider impeachment.

    If you want your constitution back, start by getting AIPAC out of Washington.

  5. dad2059 says:

    Zippy makes a valid point.

    But AIPAC isn’t the only lobby that has GOPers and Dems in their back pockets.

  6. DMason says:

    Happy 4th to all. Today is a day for me to rest, overeat and watch movies with my family. Can’t think too much about politics and the crooks.

  7. mirth says:

    Fine comments here, especially your’s Bloggernista.

    Happy and Safe 4th to All.

  8. TOM339 says:

    Safe 4th to everyone.

    Agree with David. I’m taking a day off from politics to rest my brain. What I have left of it. 🙂

  9. TomCat says:

    Happy 4th to all,

    Down with King George!!

  10. mbmdl says:

    Keith is so amazing! He’s never waivered in his criticism of this administration even when others were trying to paint Bush as Churchill. Not Keith.

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