What is Cheney Hiding?

Vice President Dick Cheney has refused to comply with an executive order governing the handling of classified information for the past four years and recently tried to abolish the office that sought to enforce those rules, according to documents released by a new Congressional committee yesterday. Since 2003, the vice president’s staff has not cooperated with an office at the National Archives and Records Administration charged with making sure the executive branch protects classified information.

So what is Cheney hiding? Here are a few possibilities:

• the identity of the sperm donor of his lesbian daughter, Mary Cheney’s son
• the name of Lynne Cheney’s plastic surgeon and what procedures she’s had
• the number of times Cheney visited the Washington DC Madam
• expense accounts related to Cheney’s visits to the Washington DC Madam
• profit statements involving the sale of Cheney’s Halliburton stock
• Cheney’s role in shaping pre-war intelligence
• the address of Cheney’s “secure, undisclosed location”

Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, thinks Cheney is acting like “he’s above the law.” Naturally, Cheney’s press office refused to comment on the matter.

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22 Responses to What is Cheney Hiding?

  1. obeo says:

    I think the sperm donor for Mary’s kid is Bush’s nephew, George P. Bush.

    Think about it. He has a perfect GOP pedigree: he’s young (26), he’s good looking, his parents are wingers, and many think the Bush family is grooming him for an eventual run for president, once the country recovers from the epidemic of Bush-fatigue we’re suffering from.

  2. taco says:

    the address of Cheney’s “secure, undisclosed location”

    I always believed Cheney’s “secure, undisclosed location” was Langley Air Force Base in Virgina.

    The place is swarming with agency personnel and the bunkers are rumored to be built to withstand a nuclear attack. The place sounds perfect for a paranoid nutacse like Dick.

  3. Larry says:

    Cheney has probably set himself up to also be unimpeachable, knowing the spineless Democrats will not do anything about it.

  4. DMason says:

    My guess is, Cheney is trying to hide his role in the Iraq war. And what is stunning to me is how completely impotent the Democrats running these investigations are at getting to the truth. They just can’t seem to force any member of the Bush administration into the corner and make them yell, “Uncle.”

  5. TOM339 says:

    I think David is correct. Cheney’s fat paws are all over the Iraq war from the planning to the selling to the execution of it.

    We won’t know all the details until long after he’s dead and buried. These NWO elites work best in the dark.

  6. dad2059 says:

    The above list could be it and more.

    My theory is that Dark Lord Dickhead has plans for nuking Iran hidden with ways to get around a Presidential Order for it and his apprentice Addington the Death adder has further plans for total elimination of the U.S. Constitution.

    And yes, NWO types work best from the blackest of black holes.

  7. Woodcliffe says:

    I thought Waxman was the last, remaining tough guy Dem in the Congress? If so, then all he has to do is stop talking, issue a order for Cheney’s office to turn over his records or he will be held in contempt of the Congress. Let Cheney make his case to the Supreme Court. Words are cheap but ultimately meaningless when you’re dealing with a monster like this Vice President.

  8. Uber Highwayman says:

    Like Dad says, all of the above! 😆

    Dick-O is a baaaad boy!

  9. Uber Highwayman says:

    But don’t worry… there must be SOME flunky left to take the fall for ol’ Rat-boy!

  10. mirth says:

    I read a comment that suggested this assertion by Cheney exempts him from executive priviledge.

    Cheney’s longterm legacy will be right up there with Idi Amin Dada

  11. nytexan says:

    Cheney is hiding the facts that he has been running the wars, our Justice Department,our energy policy, the White House and the media. He’s a one man destruction company.

    On the sperm thing, I think Cheney is a controlling namiac so its probably his sperm. Disgusting thought, I know.

  12. cowboy1975 says:

    Vice President Cheney has worked tirelessly to protect the security of this nation and the American people and all you libbys can muster is a series of weak jokes about his wife and daughter. You must fund the terrorists too.

  13. mbmdl says:

    Yes, cowboy, Cheney has certainly “worked tirelessly.” But not for the American people. He’s worked tirelessly to stuff his pockets with war profits from his Halliburton stock. Billions of dollars of no-bid Federal contracts have resulted in his porfolio tripling in value. You need to open your eyes and stop idolizing the likes of the vice president.

  14. Harry says:

    Nytexan summed it up perfectly. Cheney’s fingerprint is on every policy of this country.

  15. Jim says:

    It’s time to rid Washington, D.C. of Cheney and that bunch of thugs, all of whom DO think they’re above the law. It’s too bad Democrats won’t drag Cheney and the rest out in handcuffs and string them up. It’ll take the next decade to rid the place of the stench, and many more decades after that for the U.S. to recover financially, if that’s possible.

  16. wordgeezer says:

    Could it be that Darth himself is the sperm donar?
    This could be the son he never had and the one to carry out his evil legacy…;)

  17. TomCat says:

    Sick’em Henry!!

  18. feminazi says:

    CNN’s Insta-poll asked:

    Is Vice President Dick Cheney too secretive?

    Yes 84% 81,109 votes
    No 16% 16,004 votes
    Total: 97,113 votes

    Not that it matters but 84% of people taking CNN’s poll think Cheney is hiding something and it isn’t a cheeseburger.

  19. kayinmaine says:

    Starting with the secret energy policies, Dick Cheney believes that the American government and our military is for him to use to get what HE wants. He believes he is the CEO of America.

  20. taco says:

    Cheney has nothing to worry about.

    The Democrats are all talk and no muscle. Even Conyers recently backed down when the White House said “boo.” The Democrats want the American public to thing they’re holding this administration accountable when if fact, it’s all pre-2008 political theater.

  21. Idaho Librul says:

    If Dick paid for Lynne Cheney to see a plastic surgeon, he needs to get a refund because she’s as hidious as ever.

  22. jewels says:

    Cheney’s probably hiding the pictures of him and Sadam in bed together after that infamous video of him shaking his hand. He’s probably on the receiving end!!! Or perhaps Bin Laden is hiding in his closet…

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