Quote of the Day

“This is just one example of how the president puts ideology before science, politics before the needs of our families.” – Sen. Hillary Clinton, responding to President Bush’s veto of stem cell funding 

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7 Responses to Quote of the Day

  1. Rachel says:

    Hillary is right on this one. Too bad the senate couldn’t override Bush’s veto. People are suffering from a myriad of diseases but this dumb-ass excuse for a president doesn’t care about any of that.

  2. DMason says:

    Sometimes, even Hillary manages to get it right.

  3. mirth says:

    Words are cheap.

  4. nytexan says:

    Well I will say she got this correct. But if she becomes president let’s see if stem cell research becomes law.

    Mirth is right talk is cheap, especially for Hillary.

  5. cowboy1975 says:

    Hillary is an abortionista so what can you expect from her? She would eat after-births if she thought it would make her look younger.

  6. TomCat says:

    Were Hillary in the Oval Office, she would not have vetoed the bill, as Bush did. This is a religious right – theocon issue, and flawed though Hillary may be, this is not her problematic area.

  7. mirth says:

    Agree, TomCat.
    There is a bunch I do not like about Hillary. I mean really don’t like.
    But if we could snap our fingers and tomorrow she would be the president….snapsnapsnap.

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