When Homophobes Meet

Bush Meets Pope Benedict for the First Time

American president, George W. Bush, who pushed for a Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in all 50 states, shakes hands with Pope Benedict, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, who has repeatedly issues edicts associating gay people with evil.

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23 Responses to When Homophobes Meet

  1. feminazi says:

    Evil is right, Christopher. These two are the personification of evil. I detest them both.

  2. Randy Arroyo says:

    Ya’ think Pope Rat asked Bushco about Cheney’s new grandson? The one born to Mary Cheney, the professional lesbian, and daughter of the vice president? I would love to have been a fly on the wall for that exchange.

  3. Sandy A. says:

    Another title for this picture is:

    “What’s Wrong with the World”

  4. Matteo says:

    Not everyone is happy to see Bush in Italy whoring his mug for the camera with this Pope.

    Italians hold anti-Bush rallies


    Thousands of Italians have planned to rally against the US President George W. Bush while he meets Premier Romano Prodi and Pope Benedict XVI.

    Bush arrived in Rome late Friday after attending the G8 summit at northern German Baltic resort of Heiligendamm, and a brief stop over in Poland.

    According to AFP, Bush visit also coincides with a trial over the kidnapping of a terror suspect in Washington’s heavily criticized “extraordinary rendition” program, and release of report detailing secret CIA prisons in Europe.

  5. Sandy A. says:

    I’m surprised young Italians tolerate this Pope.

    He’s like a throwback to the dark ages when science and reason were suspect and the church controlled all the purse strings.

  6. Harry says:

    The Vatican is Rome’s Disneyland. It brings in tons of tourist money.

  7. Joe in Colorado says:

    Where is Pickles? Isn’t it customary to have both the president and the First Lady in the photo-op for historical purposes?

    She must’ve been out shopping for Italian shoes and couldn’t be bothered shaking the hand of this old Nazi.

  8. Woodcliffe says:

    ROFLMAO! Jeff Gannon’s ex shaking the paw of a former Nazi. Now tell me the world isn’t f***ked up?

  9. Harry says:

    Joe- Pickles is out of camera range having a ciggy.

  10. The Queen of Bismark Terrace says:

    Girls and boys, Bush needs a thought bubble in the picture.

    He’s thinking, “Gee that’s some pretty red this old boy has on, and I would look fabulous wearing that gold necklace. But why is he wearing the jew cap? Ain’t he Catholic”

  11. TomCat says:

    What a pair: God’s rottweiler and the devil’s bottom.

  12. Uber Highwayman says:

    Can you see the puppet strings on both of them leading back to the Jesuit home office?

    Google up Hans Kolvenbach…

  13. bloggernista says:

    Its all so old school KKK. I wonder what was going through their minds. Did they discuss how icky homosex is? Did they discuss the latest crackpot theories of ex-gay conversion techniques? Or did Bush just ask where the Pope gets all of those fabulous robes?

  14. mirth says:

    Someone explain to me why a US prez is ‘consulting’ the Vatican about Iraq policy.
    And yes, this pic is shows what is wrong with the world…Ignorance and Evil.

  15. nytexan says:

    Had JFK consulted the Vatican on the Cuban missile crisis everyone would have had a fit. Bu now when it’s a neo con, it’s great. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
    I guess hate mongers have to stick together.

    Sandy A.
    It’s sad that your statements about Italy fits our current America. Thanks George.

    I wish the Italians had an arrest warrant out for Bush. They can keep him.

  16. mbmdl says:

    The Vatican has worked in tandem with Israel, England and the USA to change world events for decades.

    Just think back to the collapse of communism in Europe and the Polish labor movement. Contrary to popular mythology, it wasn’t Ronald Reagan who accomplished this — it was the Vatican, working with England and the USA.

  17. mirth says:

    nytexan, I’m thinking that with Bush out of the country, now would be a good time to close our borders.

  18. DMason says:

    I was shocked to learn how much influence the Catholic church has over the USA on foreign policy matters. Pope John Paul was rumored to be on Reagan’s speed dial.

  19. TOM339 says:

    Dave Mason – The Polish labor movement was funded by the Catholic church. John Paul was a Pole and he made no secret of the fact he wanted to live long enough to see his native country kick the Communists out.

  20. nytexan says:

    What I want to know is how do the churches not burn down when these evil guys get around them.

    The Vatican is so involved in our business it isn’t funny. The psychics were on Reagan’s speed dial also. It’s really scars who the GOP picks for advice.

  21. Idaho Librul says:

    Yes, yes, yes! Lock the doors NOW and don’t let this punk back in the country!

    We will be much better off with Bush on the other side of the pond.

  22. Jim says:

    Now THAT’S scary.

  23. mirth says:

    Anyone make note of the fact that women, like Laura, have to cover their hair in the pope’s presence, while males do not.
    Tell he how, other than by degrees, this differs from Muslim thinking regards females.
    To me this is one supreme example of Christian self-righteousness.

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