The Office of Special Counsel is preparing to jump into one of the most sensitive and potentially explosive issues in Washington, launching a broad investigation into key elements of the White House political operations that for more than six years have been headed by chief strategist Karl Rove.

The new investigation, which will examine the firing of at least one U.S. attorney, missing White House e-mails, and White House efforts to keep presidential appointees attuned to Republican political priorities, could create a substantial new problem for the Bush White House.

“We will take the evidence where it leads us,” Scott J. Bloch, head of the Office of Special Counsel and a presidential appointee, said in an interview Monday. “We will not leave any stone unturned.”

The decision by Bloch’s office is the latest evidence that Rove’s once-vaunted operations inside the government, which helped the GOP hold the White House and Congress for six years, now threaten to mire the administration in investigations.

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  1. Brigadoon says:

    So, PigVomit isn’t off the hook after all? Well, well, well, Rove may wind up squeezing his lard ass into an orange prison jumpsuit after all. Good – it serves him right. I say ship his worthlessness off to GITMO!

  2. Rachel says:

    This is beyond belief! I thought once Patrick Fitzgerald determined no to seek charges against Rove in the Scooter Libby matter, the matter was settled? What did I know!

    Go Bloch, Go! I want to see Karl Rove financially broken and serving jailtime.

  3. Woodcliffe says:

    No wonder the poor widdle thing was so testy this
    past weekend when confronted by rocker Sheryl Crow.
    He had to have known what he would be facing this
    week and Rove likes to think the laws of the land are
    for everyone but him. What a fat loser.

  4. Rachel says:

    “PigVomit?” Brig, that’s your nickname for Karl Rove? 🙂 Priceless! May I use it too?

  5. feminazi says:

    I want to believe! I want to believe! The only thing is, Scott Bloch, Esq. is a Bush-appointee and this causes me to pause and check my enthusiasm. Maybe Rove is such a prize – a trophy, that I’m reluctant to think he may actually go down this time?

  6. Matteo says:

    Bloch is a mystery wrapped in a riddle. For everything good about him (prosecuting civil rights cases) there’s something scary like his ties to Faith based initiatives. Here’s his official bio:

    From 2001-2003, Mr. Bloch served as Associate Director and then Deputy Director and Counsel to the Task Force for Faith-based and Community Initiatives at the U.S. Department of Justice, where he worked on First Amendment cases, regulations, intergovernmental outreach, and programmatic initiatives. Before serving in the Justice Department, he was a partner with Stevens & Brand, LLP, of Lawrence, Kansas, where he practiced in the areas of civil rights law, employment law, and legal ethics. Mr. Bloch tried jury trials before state and federal courts, representing employees and employers in cases involving whistleblower and other retaliation claims, as well as civil rights claims. He worked on important cases that set precedents in the field of legal ethics, including a ground-breaking Texas case that changed the way plaintiffs’ lawyers handle mass tort cases.

  7. DMason says:

    Patrick Fitzgerald is a republican and he sucessfully went after Libby. It’s not unheard of for a GOP lawyer to do what’s right. Maybe Block will follow the law too? Am I being too hopeful here because it involves Rove?

  8. Christopher says:


    Thanks for posting the link and the bio data.

    I so want Rove to go down. I can almost taste it. If he takes a fall, the party is at my house and we’re going to rock!

  9. Mark says:

    A violation of the Hatch Act of 1939 is sufficient for Rove to wind up in jail.

    It’s main provision is to prohibit Federal employees (civil servants) from engaging in partisan political activity. Named after Senator Carl Hatch of New Mexico, the law was officially known as An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities.

    A Federal employee engaging in “partisan political activity.” Hmmm, sounds like Rove’s behavior as political advisor to George Bush. I may not be a lawyer but if it smells like shit and it looks like shit then it must be Karl Rove.

  10. Vampirella says:

    Regardless of the outcome, the name at the top of George W. Bush’s list of people to pardon December 23rd, 2008 will be Karl Rove. Bush owes his entire career to this lunatic.

  11. TomCat says:

    I had a feeling that GOP Monica’s memory lapses on that subject would grow legs.

  12. mirth says:

    I also have reservations about Bloch, BUT! if nothing else his investigations will be top news…at least on the blogs.

  13. Topper says:

    ROFL! It’s tough being Bush’s brain. Just about everyone hates you.

  14. Rocky says:

    Topper… WHAT brain?

  15. Rocky says:

    Your filter thingie’s workin’ overtime, Chris… I’ll try again…

    Topper… what brain?

  16. Idaho Librul says:

    Now we know why Hariett “xoxox” Miers stepped down as WH council after Bush was forced to withradw her name for consideration for the Supreme Court. She was up to her pantyhose line in the fired U.S. attorney scandal. Can’t wait to her try to worm her way out of culpability before the Judiciary Committee.

  17. Christopher says:


    Akismet has a mind of its own. I never know what its going to grab. Sorry.

  18. Randy Arroyo says:

    They broke the mold when they made Rove. He’s a vile, immoral man and he deserves all the heat the Democrats can dump in his fat lap.

  19. Jim says:

    Amen, Randy!!!

  20. nytexan says:

    We can only hope that one day turd blossom sits in front of a jury. Like all of you I eagerly await the day when they’re all in jail. But if they escape jail they will run back here to Texas and continue to wreak havoc on us. So I vote for Gitmo.

  21. mbmdl says:

    Isn’t Bloch under some sort of investigation? I seem to recall hearing he’s in trouble too.

  22. Ron says:

    Choosing Bloch is BushCo’s little way of making Rove inquiries go away. Bloch is a partisan hack and mbmdl’s memory is correct; he is under investigation.

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