This just posted on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s blog, The Gavel:

The Attorney General is the defender of the Constitution and the chief law enforcement officer. The people of the United States must have absolute confidence in the integrity of their Attorney General.

By his actions and with his testimony yesterday, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has lost the trust of the American people. The nation cannot have a chief law enforcement officer whose candor and judgment are in serious question.

The President should restore credibility to the office of the Attorney General. Alberto Gonzales must resign.

The walls are closing in on Gonzo. How much more humiliation can he take?

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  1. DMason says:

    Well, at least Speedy can count on Orrin Hatch’s support. Does Speedy have a dog? If not he might want to consider getting one. 😉

  2. Rachel says:

    Pelosi is 100% correct from where I sit. The entire Dept. of Justice has been sullied and corrupted by the players George W. Bush hauled with him from Texas and now the American people have lost faith and confidence in yet another, time-honored U.S. institution. Dig the wax out of your ears, Speedy: it’s time to pack up your desk and return to Houston.

  3. john jay says:

    I had hoped to hear the senate Judiciary call for Gonzales’ resignation at the end of the hearings yesterday. That would’ve sent a very powerful message to George “tone deaf” Bush that changes needed to be made at the DOJ.

    Maybe we’ll be surprised and his resignation will come this weekend?

  4. DCVET says:

    John Jay, I’ll go a step further. I was surprised Speedy returned after the lunch break.

  5. mirth says:

    Whether Gonzo stays or goes will have little effect on DOJ corruption. The neos need a path-clearer there and someone similar will replace him.
    Altho this immediate defeat of Bush, one more on the pile, will be nice.

    Of course there is the possibility that Congress would confirm someone more honorable for the position, and that could open a way to bring cases at Gitmo to trial. maybe even shut that goddamn place down.

  6. Christopher says:

    GITMO: Bush’s magic Kingdom. Puke.

  7. Rocky says:

    Hit the road, Gonzor… don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out… you’ll hurt your head.

    He could always pick up a role in a cheap Japanese horror flick: ‘Godzilla vs. Gonzor’

    (Yeah… like THAT would be a fair fight!)

  8. dad2059 says:

    Bu$h ain’t gonna ask for Abu’s resignation, the neos have that bubble of acolytes and syncophants around them that tell them everything is fine and don’t listen to the ‘buzzing’ of the insects that are the masses.

  9. feminazi says:

    Pelosi is so right. Abu must resign and the sooner the better.

  10. kayinmaine says:

    Gonzo is covering up for Karl Rove and the whole Bush White House, so of course they’re going to say they have full confidence in Gonzo, because they know once Gonzo is out and feels persecuted by them all, he’ll talk even further. No different than what is going on with Paul Wolfowitz. The White House has full confidence in him, which is really saying, “he knows too much and he’s better to be in government than on the outside of it”.

    Honestly, I’d like to see all these assholes in jail.

  11. TomCat says:

    The way prominent members of the GOP are defecting from Gonzo support, I think they must have gotten a stealthy OK from the Reich to abandon him. Gonzo’s role may be sacrificial lamb to cover the sins of Bush, Cheney and Rove.

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