Quote of the Day

“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.” – John Stuart Mill

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9 Responses to Quote of the Day

  1. Harry says:

    19th century British philosopher and member of Parliment. Mill was a very interesting man.

  2. gayster says:

    Great quote. True, too. 🙂

  3. Christopher says:


    You recognized him! Sweet.

    Yes, John Stuart Mill was a brilliant man and understood the concept of personal liberty and the obstacles conservatism represents to achieve that end.

  4. TomCat says:

    I remember Mill. Isn’t he the one who was always ad odds with Malthus? He sure had this one right.

  5. Rachel says:

    Never heard of Mill but I love this quote!

  6. Christopher says:

    This is one of my favorite quotes too. I’m glad everyone liked it.

  7. Bagley says:

    gayster and others,

    Perhaps you should consider the year when Mills made this statement.

    Perhaps you should read the book “On Liberty,” which was authored by Mr. Mill.

    Probably not, you would be embarrased.

  8. Christopher says:

    I see the point you’re trying to make Bagley but, a good quote is timeless, and relevant is any era. Read Jefferson and Lincoln and the truths are still self-evident.

  9. Bagley says:

    “… good quote is timeless…”

    A good quote can be entertaining, not necessarily timeless.

    A historical quote, romoved from context, to bolster an argument – not argumentative, but more of a mathematical proof — invalidates the supposed proof.

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