Poet Alice Connally Fisk Shares Her ‘Obama 2008’ Poem

OBAMA 2008!


Global justice billions crave

Revolution now… the wave.

Fresh solutions far and wide

Peace procurement now…the tide.

On waves and tides of cosmic scale

audacity and hope now sail.

OBAMA  2008!


U. S. poverty must Go.

A conscientious overthrow.

The working poor, the down and out.

Revolution now…the shout.

Vote ones heart… evolve… transcend

the Wisdom Way to comprehend.



A living wage for one and all.

Resolution now…the call.

Civil rights again restore.

Revolution! … Just once more.

The Common Dream now full force…

a visionary, gutsy course.

OBAMA  2008!


Universal health care, Yes!

Congress HAS it, are WE less?

Equal rights across the board.

Resolution now… the chord.

Americans, a lively blend,  

pilot the progressive trend.



Peaceful revolution, Yes!

The human race to coalesce.

One Creator, over ALL.

One last chance to heed the Call —

Love’s the lesson.  Life’s the school. 

Peace On Earth. The Golden Rule.

Live the Lesson.  Heal our Earth…Imagine

Transformation now.  Rebirth!



Copyright 2006, Alice Connally Fisk

This entry was posted in Barack Obama, Election 2008, Hillary Clinton, Impeachment. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Poet Alice Connally Fisk Shares Her ‘Obama 2008’ Poem

  1. feminazi says:

    A lovely piece Ms. Alice and thank you for sharing it here with Christopher’s readers.

  2. TOM339 says:

    Beautiful sentiments. Thank you for getting Monday off to a great start.

  3. Brigadoon says:

    I guess we won’t be seeing any poetry about Hillary? 🙂

  4. mbmdl says:

    Lovely! My feelings too, Alice. I hope Obama sees this.

  5. gayzette says:

    How sweet!

  6. Rachel says:

    Wonderful! I don’t see much political poetry, so this is a treat. Thanks Alice.

  7. mirth says:

    Obama is not my first choice for president, but this wonderful poem reflects many of his qualities and his promise and I could support him if no other candidates rise to the top…Can you hear me, Mr Gore?!
    A Gore/Obama ticket would be very satisfying.

  8. mirth says:

    Rachel, if you like political poetry that will rock you:


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