President Bush Doesn’t Like Shaking Hands with Black Liberals

Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) shares a fascinating anecdote about his first visit to the White House and his introduction to President George W. Bush. While Bush’s behavior is certainly open to interpretation, his actions would suggest a deep vein of racism.

Picture courtesy of

From Yeas and Nays:

Obama also recalls the run-up to his Senate campaign, when an adviser lamented that it was too late for Obama to acquire “a nickname or something” other than “Barack,” and marching in Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade “in the very last slot … just a few paces ahead of the sanitation trucks.”

On his first meeting at the White House, he remembers shaking the hand of the president, who turned to “an aide nearby, who squirted a big dollop of hand sanitizer in the president’s hand.”

“Not wanting to seem unhygienic,” the senator writes, he also “took a squirt.”

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4 Responses to President Bush Doesn’t Like Shaking Hands with Black Liberals

  1. Harry says:

    Wasn’t Bush raised by a black nanny in Midland? She was one of a small handful of African Americans living in Midland in the 1950’s. How did he make a turn toward the Klan robe?

  2. feminazi says:

    Overt racism is rare in national politics. However, policies that further drive down the quality of life for people of color is more subtle and requires analysis. To me, there’s no question that Bush is a racist and I didn’t need to read Obama’s story of his meeting with the president to know this. Instead, all you need to do is evaluate the policies of the administration to see it.

  3. ChiTOM says:

    What would make Bush so scared of catching cooties from Barack?

    I mean, he’s had Jeff Gannon’s well-used manhood in his hand before. Now that’s a far greater source of germs in my opinion. LOL!

  4. Harry says:

    Nothing wrong with having “manhood” in your hand, as long as it isn’t attached to a Republican hustler.

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