Polls Indicate Democrats Poised to Recapture Senate

Imagine the country with a Democratic majority in the Congress. It’s not just a fantasy, but a very real possibility. Democrats need only six seats to regain control of the Senate and recent polls suggest Democrats are well positioned to make this a reality.

Midterm races in key battleground states are getting tighter, with Democrats holding their lead over Republican incumbents, while staving off Republican challengers to open seats.

Here is some interesting data from SurveyUSA via The Ostroy Report:

Tennessee Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Harold Ford Jr. leads Republican candidate Bob Corker, 48%-45%

And from Rasmussen Reports:

Montana Democrat Jon Tester leads Sen. Conrad Burns 52%-43%

Missouri Democratic challenger Claire McCaskill now leads Sen. Jim Talent 45%-42%

Rhode Island Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse has widened his lead to 51%-43% over incumbent Lincoln Chafee

• Ohio Democratic Rep. Sherrod Brown, who’s challenging Sen. Mike DeWine for his Ohio seat, leads 47%-41%

Pennsylvania Democrat Bob Casey is ahead of Republican Rick Santorum by 14 points

While pundits say Democrats’ best shot at power is in retaking the House of Representatives, but the Senate is now more in play than ever before and that both chambers of Congress are now within reach of Democrats in November.

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7 Responses to Polls Indicate Democrats Poised to Recapture Senate

  1. Harry says:

    Barring some love from DieBold or a fresh war against Iran, these numbers are indeed very encouraging. Fingers crossed. Now, if Americans actually go to the polls.

  2. Mark says:

    The data looks promising, but I am extremely concerned that if Bush invades Iran, the braindead American people will rally round’ their leader (as they always do in wartimes) and give his party another extension on their contract.

  3. feminazi says:

    I worry that here in Connecticut, Lieberman’s wealthy GOP backers will tip the election in his favor. I so much want Ned Lamont elected.

  4. WOWOZIZEK says:

    Republican and Democratic committees battling over control of the House and the Senate hold almost equal amounts in their bank accounts, giving neither side a substantial financial advantage going into the final stretch of the congressional campaign.

    This is important as the GOP has dominated Democrats when it comes down to finances in recent election cycles.

    As the financial dominance of the Republican party has faded, it remains to be seen if the historic tendency of conservatives going to the polls in greater numbers than liberals hold in November. If this falls to the wayside too, then Democrats are going to prevail.

  5. ChiTOM says:

    Where is this “Democrats best chance is retaking the House” meme originating from?

    My guess is the MSM who is heavily invested in the status quo (Blitzer, Hannity, O’Reilly and to a lesser extent, Scarborough) and can’t wrap their tiny brains around the concept that their time in the sun is about to come to an end.

  6. ChiTOM says:


    You’re correct. Elections are won or lost by the depth of the candidate’s pockets. A well funded candidate always kicks the heck out of the poorly funded challenger. Not how I would like our system to operate, but a fact of political life.

  7. Brigadoon says:

    If Democrats lose in November and a political scientist blames it on bad weather keeping people away and at home, I’ll pull my hair out by the roots.

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