“D-Day” for a DINO

The Connecticut primary race between three term U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman and challenger Ned Lamont, will be decided today.

Voters have a clear choice in the race. Lieberman, oft described as Bush’s “favorite Democrat,” is the very definition of a Democrat-in-name-only. Back in 1998, he was one of the most vocal critics of President Bill Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. His rants helped earn him the moniker of “Holy Joe.” Lieberman remains an enthusiastic supporter of President Bush’s Iraq war. He refuses to support a timetable to withdraw U.S. troops from the conflict. In fact, Lieberman is so hardcore on the topic of the Iraq war that he recently said war critics “undermine the President’s credibility at our nation’s peril.” Lieberman refused to back a Democratic-led filibuster effort to block the nomination of Samual Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court. Much to the delight of his good friend Sean Hannity at FOXNews (GOP-TV). Speaking of his supporters, Lieberman is adored not only by the FOXNews (GOP-TV), but also by Bill Bennett, Michelle Malkin and even Ann Coulter.

Ned Lamont by contrast was an unknown a scant seven months ago. A wealthy telecom businessman from Greenwich, CT, Lamont quickly attracted the attention of the liberal blogosphere by offering a decidedly antiwar position on Iraq. After almost 4 years of American involvement in the conflict and more than 2,500 U.S. troop casualties, Lamont spoke the truth on the Iraq war: it’s a failure and it’s time for the troops to come home. Voters took notice. As did the national media and other pro-war senate DINOs like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, who will nervously watch today’s primary race in Connecticut.

Today’s highly anticipated Democratic primary race between Lieberman and Lamont is indeed a referendum on the Iraq war. If Lamont wins – as most politics watchers believe he will, expect the DINO wing of the Democratic party to get a whole lot smaller. If Lamont loses to Bush’s “favorite Democrat,” I believe Democrats has better rethink their strategy for winnng back the House and Senate in November.

This entry was posted in Bush, Cheney, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Independents, Iran war, Iraq war, Republicans. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to “D-Day” for a DINO

  1. feminazi says:

    The polls are open and I was there to cast my ballot for Ned Lamont at 7:30am. For whatever it’s worth, all the women I chatted with at our presinct waiting online said they were backing Lamont. Fingers crossed!

  2. Matt O. says:

    That first big paragraph sounds like like my list of grievances against “Holy Joe.”

  3. gay kitten says:

    Not to mention he isnt’ fond of gay people either.

  4. Mark says:

    After Lieberman’s church lady shtick dissing Clinton for a few BJs in the Oval Office, I was appalled to see former President Clinton make a campaign appearance with his leading Democratic critic. Maybe Clinton’s more of a man than me, but I would’ve never, forgiven Joe for his moralistic dress-down. Politics are too incestuous for my character.

  5. ANGRYDem says:

    It’s time to snatch America back from the arms of the radical, rightwing fringe elements in the GOP. They are not the majority.

    They want you to think they are the majority, but they are less than 20% and do not speak for everyone.

    End the blurring of the line that separates church and state; end the attacks and scapegoting of minorities; end black box voting; and most important of all, SILENCE THE DEMOCRATS WHO CURRY FAVOR WITH GEORGE BUSH AND THE NEOCONS IN CHARGE OF THIS COUNTRY’S FOREIGN POLICY.

    It can be done and it will start by kicking Joementum to the curb!

  6. Christopher says:

    Matt at The Great Society also points out:

    [Lieberman] believes Connecticut rape victims can “take a short ride” down to the next hospital — who may, or may not carry emergency contraceptives — for drugs that are less effective as time drags on.

    Man, why doesn’t Joe just be done with it and switch to the GOP? Everything Lieberman stands for reeks of the religious right.

  7. feminazi says:

    Tweety just said he would have a good “smell” of the vote count by Hardball at 5pm.

  8. gay kitten says:

    Tweety is a Liebermanite from way back. Tweety loves the Republicans and the DINO Dems most of all.

  9. Harry says:

    You can bet the pig farm that Hillary and Biden are podcasting the media coverage of the race between Joe and Ned. They’ve staked their political future on following behind Bushco and supporting his illegal war.

  10. VicoDANIEL says:

    I was never a fan of term limits before this race, but 3 terms is just too many.

    Hopefully, someone will get some form of term limits on the ballot in CT so there can never be another Joe Lieberman.

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