Like the Tooth Faire and Santa, Half Believe Iraq Had WMDs

Do you believe in the tooth faire? Santa? The Easter Bunny?

Well, if you’re an adult, then chances are you’re among the half of Americans who believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD), a new poll finds.

A truly stunning testimony to the effectiveness of the propaganda machine operating out of the Bush White House and headed by Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

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5 Responses to Like the Tooth Faire and Santa, Half Believe Iraq Had WMDs

  1. Jennifer says:

    Really? I thought some of the more recent polls were showing more hopeful indicators for the masses. I guess sheep will be sheep after all.

  2. Christopher says:

    I don’t like generalizing, but if this poll is correct, it doesn’t exactly give me hope for the American public.

  3. feminazi says:

    There was a poll last year all the bloggers blogged about showing some really high percentage of Americans believe Saddam was responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the USA.

    After I read that one, my hope for this country and the ability for my fellow Americans to think for themselves went right down the toilet.

  4. mbmdl says:

    LOL! What a joke. No doubt the same idiots who think Bushco actually won the election in 2000. How do you spell b.r.a.i.n.d.e.a.d?

  5. DMason says:

    Isn’t ‘Tooth Faire’ Karl Rove’s nickname? Oh no, that’s right, it’s Turn Blossom!

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