Repugs & Neocons Agree: Dump Condi

When Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice makes a public appearance, she’s always fashionably dressed in a neutral Chanel suit, a $500 Prada purse resting comfortably at her feet, and those feet are always adorned in the latest pair of $1,000 Ferragamo shoes. Rice is unquestionably the picture of style. But style can’t replace substance as the Bush administration is learning the hard way.

Photo image courtesy of AP

According to the ultra-rightwing Insight magazine:

Conservative national security allies of President Bush are in revolt against Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, saying that she is incompetent and has reversed the administration’s national security and foreign policy agenda.

“The president has yet to understand that people make policy and not the other way around,” a senior national security policy analyst said. “Unlike [former Secretary of State Colin] Powell, Condi is loyal to the president. She is just incompetent on most foreign policy issues.” 

The conservatives, who include Newt Gingrich, Richard Perle and leading current and former members of the Pentagon and National Security Council, have urged the president to transfer Miss Rice out of the State Department and to an advisory role. They said Miss Rice, stemming from her lack of understanding of the Middle East, has misled the president on Iran and the Arab-Israeli conflict. 

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8 Responses to Repugs & Neocons Agree: Dump Condi

  1. Harry says:

    I’m always struck by her odd public remarks. For a woman who allegedly has a PhD., her words consistanly lack meaning and perspective. It’s as though she’s not quite certain where she is, and how she got there.

  2. Ypsilanti says:

    Good morning to you all from the leafy, lovliness of the UP of Michigan.

    Condoleezza Rice has spent her life in the protective, other-worldliness of Ivy League universities, the air conditioned board rooms of corporate America, and recently, as part of the failed Bush administration.

    To say her life is “unreal” would be an understatement.

    So Insight is reporting the Republican chorus of dump Condi? How is this?

    After all, weren’t these neocons like Newt Gingrich and Richard Pearle the very chorus that said the administration wasnt pro- Israel enough? If you recall the months after the stolen 2000 election, Bush II essentially told Israel to deal with its own problems as they set out on building a new American empire in Iraq and achieving the agenda of the PNAC crowd. I would therefore conclude when Rice says “no cease-fire,” these men should be giddy with joy?

    Could there be a racial element to Gingrich’s and Pearle’s comments?

  3. gay kitten says:

    Condi ain’t no Colin Powell or Madge Albright.

  4. Joe in Colorado says:

    Rice’s performance in the Rome dog-and-pony show was a disgrace.

    Repeatedly, she refused to call on the USA’s bad-behaving teenager, AKA, Israel, to stop the wildly out of control attacks on Lebanon. She kep saying the USA wanted a “sustainable” cease-fire. Meaningless rhetoric as U.N. observers, women and children, who have nothing no ties to Hezbollah, are slaughtered by Israeli missiles.

    If this is the state of the USA’s foreign policy under President Bush then he must, as soon as possible, be impeached and sent on his way. Our nation can’t manage 2 more years of this insanity.

  5. Jenna Bush Stole My ID says:

    Condi Rice is one of the fugliest women on earth. What a mess.

  6. Aloys says:

    My adopted homeland of America, the place I have raised my children, and the nation I will grow old in and one day die, has abandoned the very essence that made her once the greatest nation in the world.

    We no longer want cooperation. Or peace. Or tolerance. No.

    In the era of the Bush time, it is all about war. And killing. And destruction. As the president smiles and gives it his approval.

    Where is Jimmy Carter? Is Bush’s hatred of him so deep that he will not call upon him to seek an end to the violence?

  7. feminazi says:

    Don’t despair, Aloys. The clock is ticking on the Bush nightmare. We will survive and in 2 years, Bush will be gone.

  8. alpha farzini says:

    the foreigh policy is the big boys game.condi is very likable but she just wont cut it.newton gongarich is a fortune teller persona among the guys different personalities .now he predicts the armagedon and carries a bible to prove come to the crux of the matter,the islamo fascist have benn able to create an environment for hate which goes beyond their own boundaries and infects the whole world.this a crucial time to be united in america.75 percent of the world problems is gonna end by simply getting rid of a few mullahs in iran.why not do it today and save the peace treaties for later.

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