Bush Lies; More U.S. Troops to Die?

Steve Soto at The Left Coaster links to the latest Harper’s article that asserts the Bush administration (despite denials to the contrary) is in fact, considering the deployment of U.S. ground troops in Lebanon.

According to sources, Israel and the United States are currently discussing a large American role in exactly such a “multinational” deployment, and some top administration officials, along with senior civilians at the Pentagon, are receptive to the idea.

The uniformed military, however, is ardently opposed to sending American soldiers to the region, according to my source. “They are saying ‘What the fuck?’” he told me. “Most of our combat-ready divisions are in Iraq or Afghanistan, or on their way, or coming back. The generals don’t like it because we’re already way overstretched.”

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6 Responses to Bush Lies; More U.S. Troops to Die?

  1. nineteen-eighty-four says:

    If true, the recent spat of opinions from conservative bloviators alledging we’ve entered World War III may in fact, be accurate. We have active duty troops fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq, Colombia and now Lebanon? Can North Korea be far behind? Have the enlisted, combat ready troops are already in Iraq. I don’t like where Bush is taking us. 

  2. feminazi says:

    I feel a draft and it’s blowing toward my 18 year old grandson’s frontdoor.

    Sorry neocons, but I will sell my house and take my grandson to the safety and sanity of Canada in order to protect him from any of Bush’s war theaters.

  3. JDRShaw says:

    What I’m hearing is this:

    The majority of the U.S. troops going to Lebanon will come from the Incirlik Airbase in Turkey, and a small number currently in Iraq will be redeployed in Lebanon.

    No calls to reinstate a draft.

    A draft would be very unlikely as long as the GOPers control the circus. They wouldn’t want this piled on their already unpopular president’s legacy, currently with a 34% job approval number.

  4. VicoDANIEL says:

    No one helped the United States fight our Civil War: we went it alone.

    With hundreds of thousands U.S. troops in Iraq and thousands dead, I say let Israel fight her own Civil War, security war, border war — CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT, but keep my tax dollars out of it and our troops as far away as possible.

  5. Jennifer says:

    Israel seems to be killing people off just fine over there without our help.

  6. feminazi says:

    Thanks JDRShaw. I feel a bit better after reading your post.

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