U.S. Speeds Up Bomb Delivery to Israel

According to the New York Times:

The Bush administration is rushing a delivery of precision-guided bombs to Israel, which requested the expedited shipment last week after beginning its air campaign against Hizbollah targets in Lebanon.

The decision to quickly ship the weapons to Israel was made with relatively little debate within the Bush administration, the officials said. Its disclosure threatens to anger Arab governments and others because of the appearance that the USA is actively aiding the Israeli bombing campaign in a way that could be compared to Iran’s efforts to arm and resupply Hezbollah.

The munitions that the United States is sending to Israel are part of a multimillion-dollar arms sale package approved last year that Israel is able to draw on as needed, the officials said. But Israel’s request for expedited delivery of the satellite and laser-guided bombs was described as unusual by some military officers, and as an indication that Israel still had a long list of targets in Lebanon to strike.

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8 Responses to U.S. Speeds Up Bomb Delivery to Israel

  1. Matteo says:

    700,000 Lebanese have been displaced in the country with 250,000 having crossed the border into Syria for safety. If the “bad guys,” be they hezbollah or (God forbid), al Qeada, be in the market for new recruits in their mission against Israel and the United States, the craven assault agains the Lebanese by the Israelis will accomplish this more than any other event in recent years. The USA, and more precisely, the Bush administration, is flaming the embers of war, as if they enjoy watching the carnage underway. This will come back to haunt us for generations to come.

  2. tem tem says:

    I have one word to describe this mess: d.i.a.s.p.o.r.a.

  3. Aloys says:

    Today is a sad day for all peoples of the world who cherish cooperation and peace.

    My heart is sad, as I witness the attacks on the peoples of Lebanon. This is not a jew versus arab issue. This is a war theater created by the evil George Bush.

    “A ‘no’ uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a ‘yes’ merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.”


  4. pinhead says:



    Israel, purportedly our friend, has been spying on us all. And we’re not talking about individual spooks like Jonathan Pollard, or small-time networks such as the 140 Israelis arrested by the FBI prior to 9/11, or the 60 arrested since (including 5 arrested who were cheering and celebrating as the World Trade Towers collapsed).

    It turns out that Israel has had a potential wiretap on every phone in America for years, along with the ability to monitor and record who any person is calling, anywhere in America; information of great value even if one does not listen to the calls themselves. Amdocs, Inc. the company which sub contracts billing and directory services for phone companies around the world, including 90 percent of American phone companies, is owned by Israeli interests. Yet another company, Comverse Infosys, is suspected of having built a “back door” into the equipment permanently installed into the phone system that allows instant eavesdropping by law enforcement agencies on any phone in America. This includes yours.

    Concerns about allowing an Israeli company such intimate access to the infrastructure go back many years. As reported by Fox News, the Israeli company Amdocs was implicated in the leaking of police phone data that resulted in the collapse of on investigation into a massive drug and credit card fraud operation with Israeli connections.

    Dare we ignore this potential threat?


  5. Barking Dog says:


    I have no doubt that our every move, phone call, keystroke, bank transaction and bowel movement is somehow being tracked, recorded or monitored thanks to the birth of technology designed to do just that, but NOT by Israel.

    It’s being carried out by our own government and the paranoid nutcases we always wind up electing to public office.

    Meanwhile, 100 Iraqis are being killed each day in Bush’s other war in Iraq and the media pretends this fact doesn’t exist.

  6. Harry says:

    The USA is the largest arms supplier on earth. It’s a revenue stream and employees hundreds of thousands of workers.

  7. radio days says:

    These people have been at one another’s throats for thousands of years and no government – including the USA is going to change this fact. I say stop choosing sides, stop the foreign aid to Israel and for God’s sake, don’t send American troops to help Israel destroy Lebanon. Sometimes, isolationism is called for.

  8. The Queen of Bismark Terrace says:

    Israel will be testing out new and more lethal militaria on the Lebanese. Militaria designed and built by the US.

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