Quote of the Day

“George Bush and Condoleezza Rice can bleat forever about Israel’s right to defend itself, but we are witnessing an obscenity. On all sides. The targeted Israeli air strike which murders children in a Beirut suburb is as much a crime against humanity as an indiscriminate Hezbollah rocket crashing into downtown Haifa.” –  Mike Carlton, columnist, The Sydney Morning Herald

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4 Responses to Quote of the Day

  1. Matteo says:

    Any chance you’ll put this on a T-shirt and sell them on your blog? I’m down for 2.

  2. nineteen-eighty-four says:

    The conflict in the middle east now stretches from Israel/Lebanon on the west, to Iraq and Afghanistan to the east. It’s not a coincidence this is unfolding while the current administration is in power.

  3. feminazi says:

    I love the idea of this quote on a Tee.

  4. Christopher says:

    No plans to market the quote or for that matter, even market From the Left T-shirts at this time.

    But thanks for the support!

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